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getting batch converts compatable with all mp3 players

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  • Sossity
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jan 2010
    • 162

    getting batch converts compatable with all mp3 players

    I have been ripping & batch converting most of my music to put on my ipod. I batch convert to mp3 256 CBR & this has worked. I generally have quite a bit of meta data with the files.

    My mother wanted me to put some of her albums onto her san disk sanasa mp3 player.

    As I have been doing with all my music, I rip to a lossless format, (so I do not have to handle the cd again) with metadata. I then batch converted the songs she wanted to mp3 192 at CBR for her player. After loading her player, I used windows explore drag & drop, into her music folder on her player. Everything seemed ok on the computer screen, the albums showed up on her player.

    But when I unplugged her player from the computer, & scrolled through her music both by artist & album, the albums I loaded for her were not showing up on the mp3 player screen, but I knew they were there, I saw them in windows explore when her player was plugged into the computer.

    So ended up just ripping her albums in windows media player, deleting them & then reloading them from her my music folder on the computer, dragged & dropped the albums again, unplugged her player from the computer, & this time they appeared when scrolling through her player.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: getting batch converts compatable with all mp3 players

    In dBpoweramp Configuration >> Codecs >> Advanced, set the mp3 ID Tags to ANSI (from unicode).


    • Sossity
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Jan 2010
      • 162

      Re: getting batch converts compatable with all mp3 players

      Originally posted by Spoon
      In dBpoweramp Configuration >> Codecs >> Advanced, set the mp3 ID Tags to ANSI (from unicode).
      Do you mean under Mp3 ID Tagging text encoding next to the ID 3v2 field?

      what do I do about everything I have ripped so far? does this mean all my batch converted mp3 albums are not universally compatible? should I re batch convert all my flac albums to mp3 with this new ANSI setting? will this change any of the way I set my meta data? ie; the order of track artist etc?

      is ANSI compatible with apple ipods?

      are there any other advanced settings I need to set up for mp3? to make them universal?

      how do I check that my flac files were ripped with this universal ANSI setting?, I did notice it had this setting ANSI when I looked at the Flac ID tagging section, so it it safe to assume that my albums were ripped with this setting?
      Last edited by Sossity; May 16, 2010, 05:16 AM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: getting batch converts compatable with all mp3 players

        All players should be able to read unicode idv3 tags, some do not, just as some players cannot read id3 tags which also contain album art. It does not mean that album art is not universal because certain players are broken.

        >Mp3 ID Tagging text encoding

        That is the correct option yes.

        We have an [ID Tag Update] utility codec which will read the tags and update to the current settings, but first test one file which does not work.


        • Sossity
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Jan 2010
          • 162

          Re: getting batch converts compatable with all mp3 players

          Originally posted by Spoon
          All players should be able to read unicode idv3 tags, some do not, just as some players cannot read id3 tags which also contain album art. It does not mean that album art is not universal because certain players are broken.

          >Mp3 ID Tagging text encoding

          That is the correct option yes.

          We have an [ID Tag Update] utility codec which will read the tags and update to the current settings, but first test one file which does not work.
          do you have a link to the update utility? will it update my batched converted mp3's with the ANSI text encoding?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            Re: getting batch converts compatable with all mp3 players




            • Sossity
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Jan 2010
              • 162

              Re: getting batch converts compatable with all mp3 players

              Which one is it?

              I downloaded the ID tag update one & I got a message stating I already have it in stalled on my computer. but I did a fresh install of it.

              how would I apply it to my already batch converted mp3 albums? how would I get the text encoding to ANSI?


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44825

                Re: getting batch converts compatable with all mp3 players

                Update ID Tag is correct, see the help which shows on the screen after installing it on how to use.


                • Sossity
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Jan 2010
                  • 162

                  Re: getting batch converts compatable with all mp3 players

                  Originally posted by Spoon
                  In dBpoweramp Configuration >> Codecs >> Advanced, set the mp3 ID Tags to ANSI (from unicode).

                  Well I went in & made this adjustment, then went in & reconverted some of my flac albums to mp3 with the new setting, then tried to put an album on the sansa mp3 player, & the same thing is happening, the album is showing in windows, but when I unplug the player from the computer, the album does not show up when scrolling for it on the player.

