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Audio Info utility codec

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  • roskilde96

    • Jun 2007
    • 16

    Audio Info utility codec


    I often use the audio info utility codec (Extensive information, Tab seperated) to read tags and use them in Excel for managing my music collection.

    I've niticed that often the order of the columns changes.
    The fields "album" and "artist" mostly get their positions changed.

    When I use the audio info utility a few times in one working session and I paste all info into Excel, it results in a column containing once the artist name and for some other records the album field.

    All my audio files are CD quality WAV files, containing artist, title, year and album info tags.

    Can this be fixed in a next release?

    Many thanks
    Last edited by roskilde96; May 06, 2010, 08:01 AM.