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Command line flags ignored with m4a

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  • spyros@spyros.c

    • Apr 2010
    • 4

    Command line flags ignored with m4a

    executing command line converter as follows:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Illustrate\dBpoweramp>coreconverter.exe
    -infile="O:\ABBA\Gold- Greatest Hits\01 Dancing Queen.wma"
    -outfile="c:\temp\ABBA\Gold- Greatest Hits\01 Dancing Queen.m4a"
    -convert_to="m4a Nero (AAC)" -q .95 -ignorelength -if - -of {qt}[outfile]{qt}

    The -convert_to string was taken directly from regedit. I can use dbPowerAmp GUI interactively to encode to m4a Nero (AAC) at q .95, to get about 400 VBR. When I use the command line above, it gives me 151kbps encoding instead. No matter what number I use after the -q, I still get 151kbps from a command line encoding (whereas I can vary it fine in the GUI).

    Can you point to what I might be doing wrong?
  • spyros@spyros.c

    • Apr 2010
    • 4

    Re: Command line flags ignored with m4a

    The same is true if I use dmc in c*blooper*:

    dMC.Convert(file.FullName, targetName, "m4a Nero (AAC)", "-q 0.95 -ignorelength -if - -of {qt}[outfile]{qt}", "");

    This still produces a 151kbps output file, even though -q 0.95 should produce a 390kbps output file. To reiterate, doing a conversion manually with dbPowerAmp and selecting 0.95 DOES produce a correct 390kbps m4a, so the problem is in the script syntax somehow. Can someone help?
    Last edited by spyros@spyros.c; April 14, 2010, 01:29 PM. Reason: clarification


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      Re: Command line flags ignored with m4a


      Certain Codecs (WMA, and compressed Wave) are difficult to setup as the settings are not guessable. Using CD Ripper it is possible to set the compression settings and read them back from the registry. Open CD Ripper, set the profile to default, set the encoder and settings as desired. Close CD Ripper then open regedit:

      To get the correct commandline.


      • spyros@spyros.c

        • Apr 2010
        • 4

        Re: Command line flags ignored with m4a

        that's where I got it from, before posting both the command line and the dMC.convert examples. Cut and pasted from there (meaning from the registry location shown by the example):

        CodecCLI_m4a Nero (AAC)

        -cli_encoder="C:\Program Files (x86)\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a Nero (AAC)\neroAacEnc.exe" -cli_cmd="-q .95 -ignorelength -if - -of {qt}[outfile]{qt}" -selection="0,10,0"

        I tried exact cut and paste, changing .95 to 0.95, and also removing anything after the .95 in the string. All with same result.
        Last edited by spyros@spyros.c; April 14, 2010, 11:13 PM. Reason: clarification


        • spyros@spyros.c

          • Apr 2010
          • 4

          Re: Command line flags ignored with m4a

          :komisch12 Ah! so the trick was to include the whole -cli_encoder string from the very beginning, not just the -cli_cmd params. Got it working. Thanks! For anyone else who wants to do in C*blooper*, here was the complete command, properly escaped:

          dMC.Convert(file.FullName, targetName, "m4a Nero (AAC)", " -cli_encoder=\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Illustrate\\dBpoweramp\\encoder\\m4a Nero (AAC)\\neroAacEnc.exe\" -cli_cmd=\"-q .95 -ignorelength -if - -of {qt}[outfile]{qt}\" -selection=\"0,10,0\"", "");

          FYI, running on win 7, 64 bits.


          • RNW

            • Mar 2011
            • 5

            Re: Command line flags ignored with m4a

            Hello Spyros,
            I have the same problem, but I can't programm in C + +.
            How should I handle it using the commandline-converter?

            Thanks for your attention...


            • RNW

              • Mar 2011
              • 5

              Re: Command line flags ignored with m4a

              Got it.....

              C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpowerAMP>coreconverter.exe -infile="i:\Source.mp2" -outfile="i:\Destination.m4a" -tag="Artist=Me"{qt} -tag="Title=Titeltje"{qt} -ta
              g="Year=2012"{qt} -convert_to="M4a Nero (AAC)" -cli_encoder="C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpowerAMP\encoder\m4a Nero (AAC)\neroAacEnc.exe" -cli_cmd="-q .15 -ignorelength -if - -of {qt}[outfile]{qt}" -selection="1,2,0"

