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Batch converter splits various albums up

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  • Sossity
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jan 2010
    • 162

    Batch converter splits various albums up

    When I run a batch convert of a compilation album with multiple artists from a flac album to mp3 with the batch converter, it splits up the albums. Ie; When I look at it in windows, a 10 track album will have maybe tracks 1,2 in one folder with a an album cover(Folder jpg) then tracks 3,4,5 in another folder with the album cover & so on instead off all 10 tracks in one folder, like for single artist albums.

    When I try to place all the split tracks into one single folder in windows explore with tracks 1 & 2, they do not line up in order, but are mixed up in windows.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Batch converter splits various albums up

    You would have to use either the 'Album Artist' tag for naming, not artist, of look at the CD Ripper naming which detects if is a compilation and puts into a Various Artists folder.


    • Sossity
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Jan 2010
      • 162

      Re: Batch converter splits various albums up

      Originally posted by Spoon
      You would have to use either the 'Album Artist' tag for naming, not artist, of look at the CD Ripper naming which detects if is a compilation and puts into a Various Artists folder.
      I am not sure what you mean, let me guess, do you mean I should type in various artists in the Album artist Tag field where it might be blank? the artist field usually fills by itself with each artist for each song. Or should I type in various artists in both the album artist tag field & various artists in the artist field?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: Batch converter splits various albums up

        It would depend on the album, see what CD Ripper does for a bunch of different albums.

