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Aux Input and Freedb

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    Aux Input and Freedb

    I'm a newbie to dbpoweramp, reason for getting in to this stuff is a large LP collection I wanted to convert to digital format. Gotta say I am impressed with the software, still eval'ing Aux input, Power Pack and CD Burner, but I will be buying them - good software!

    One question I have, and not sure if it is in the product and I've just missed it - can Aux Input look up freedb and automatically recognise LP tracks? Have I missed something or is this not possible?

    Keep up the good work!
  • Razgo
    • Apr 2002
    • 2532

    i don't think Aux Input was designed to look up freedb as that's what "dmc cd audio input" is for.

    but i think i know what you mean. i guess you wanted "aux input" to be able to recognize your LP when you connect it up to your sound card and use "aux input"?

    if so then as far as i know the answer is no.

    I haven't done any LP audio transfer but i would imagine you have to edit each track yourself as you go along.

