Can Batch Convert convert the music files of (associated with) an .m3u playlist? The idea is to point Batch Converter to an .m3u playlist and let it convert all the music files referenced by the playlist from whatever format they are in (all in FLAC for me) to a certain output file type.
Here's why I am asking. I am storing all my music in high quality (as high quality as I can purchase or rip) flac files. I also have a large collection of playlists. Instead of downloading to my ipod touch all the heavy flac files, I want to download MP3 versions, and only those of select playlists. (Concrete example: I have "driving music" playlists - my favourite music when going for a spin.)
Here's why I am asking. I am storing all my music in high quality (as high quality as I can purchase or rip) flac files. I also have a large collection of playlists. Instead of downloading to my ipod touch all the heavy flac files, I want to download MP3 versions, and only those of select playlists. (Concrete example: I have "driving music" playlists - my favourite music when going for a spin.)