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refrshing tag info in dmc audio cd input

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  • biboun

    • Nov 2002
    • 35

    refrshing tag info in dmc audio cd input

    Hello, i have met a pb with audio cd input. I encoded a cd, the encoding begin, but the audio cd input windows stayd in bakc groud, which does not happen normaly. So after the encoding, i put another cd in order to encode it, i download tag info from freedb and try to rename a file, or the album name...but the windows constantly refresh and reload the previous tag info. so i can't modify the tag info. I 've try to reboot, the first cd encoding is good(but the audio cd input windows still stay in background) , but when i try to encode an another cd, the same pb appear: i can'"t modify the tag info. That pb happen a week ago and last a few years before i'm going to sleep. The day after: no pb.
    So it's no more a pb for me, but if it can help you....
    thank you
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44575

    Uninstall it - delete the folder 'Program Files\dBpowerAMP', reinstall

    ** if you have my player, back up your audio collection file first **


    • biboun

      • Nov 2002
      • 35

      Oups, i wanted to say:
      last a few HOURS before i'm going to sleep

      my pb has disapeared but Thank you spoon.


