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Re-install now nothing working.

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  • Agrajag
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2005
    • 55

    Re-install now nothing working.

    I downgraded from Windows 7 (no thanks) back to XP SP3 and upon re-installing Reference I can't convert any music or rip any of my CD's.

    I keep getting errors just saying:

    Error converting to mp3 (Lame), 'F:\Music\The Beatles\1967-1970\The Beatles - A Day in the Life.flac' to 'F:\Music\The Beatles\1967-1970\The Beatles - A Day in the Life.mp3'
    Error unable to open File 'F:\Music\The Beatles\1967-1970\The Beatles - A Day in the Life.mp3' for writing. [clEncoder::BeginConversion]

    Configuration says everything is installed and updated.

    What the heck am I overlooking here?
  • Agrajag
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2005
    • 55

    Re: Re-install now nothing working.

    Splitting Command Line:Done
    ->-> [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
    <-<- [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
    ->-> [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
    Checking Decoder 'E:\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll' for extension '.flac'
    Decodes [clDecoder::Get]
    <<< Match, using decoder
    Using Registry Cached Decoder: E:\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\decoder\FLAC.dll
    <-<- [cldBCodecHandler::FindDecoder]
    BatchID [clDecoder::Set]
    ->-> [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
    Loading Encoder 'E:\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\encoder\mp3 (Lame).DLL'
    <-<- [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
    BatchID [clEncoder::Set]
    ->-> [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
    <-<- [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
    SendRawUnCompressed [clEncoder::Get]
    Communicate [clDecoder::Get]
    Communicate [clEncoder::Get]
    NeedHQAudio [clEncoder::Get]
    Decode As [clDecoder::Set]
    ->-> [clDecoder::Open]
    Opening file 'F:\Music\The Beatles\1967-1970\The Beatles - A Day in the Life.flac' for read access: Opened
    Init FLAC:
    Reading Meta Data:
    contained 16 tags:
    TITLE: A Day in the Life
    ARTIST: The Beatles
    ALBUM: 1967-1970
    GENRE: Rock
    COMPOSER: John Lennon
    Paul McCartney
    Track: 6/14
    Year: 1973-04-02
    RATING: 8
    REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK: 0.985198974609375
    REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN: -3.53999996185303 dB
    DISC: 1/2
    ACCURATERIPRESULT: AccurateRip: Accurate (confidence 88) [40B430C5]
    ACCURATERIPDISCID: 014-00192869-010edabb-b20bf50e-6
    UPC: 07777904381
    STYLE: Psychedelic
    Album Rock
    British Psychedelia
    Hard Rock
    Rock & Roll
    AM Pop
    album artist: The Beatles
    Contains picture block, size (bytes): 29881 type: 3
    ->-> [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
    <-<- [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
    ->-> [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
    Encoder: FLAC reference libFLAC 1.1.4 20070213
    Sample Count: 13,507,536
    ID Tag: Vorbis Comments
    Contains: Album Art, CRC, ReplayGain, ID Tag [Vorbis Comments]
    <-<- [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
    ->-> [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
    Uncompressed WFX (sent to db): Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 16 Samples Per Second: 44100 Bytes Per Second: 176400 Block Align: 4 CB Size: 0
    Audio Length: 306293 mili-seconds 29107310 bytes 1411 kbps
    <-<- [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
    Creating Decode Buffers: Created
    <-<- [clDecoder::Open]
    SendOverReplayGainTags [clEncoder::Get]
    ->-> [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
    Converting to 'F:\Music\The Beatles\1967-1970\The Beatles - A Day in the Life.mp3' encoder settings ' -V="4"'
    *** Error: Error unable to open File 'F:\Music\The Beatles\1967-1970\The Beatles - A Day in the Life.mp3' for writing. [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
    ->-> [clDecoder::Close]
    <-<- [clDecoder::Close]


    • Agrajag
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • May 2005
      • 55

      Re: Re-install now nothing working.

      A bit more info:

      I was able to convert and rip by pointing to a different drive. The only thing I can think of there is that Carbonite is currently backing up a load of files in my Music folder (not everything) so perhaps it is in some way locking out the other apps?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44775

        Re: Re-install now nothing working.

        That was the error (unable to open the file) something had it locked.

