Re: Issue with album artist and unicode characters
I tried opening a bug with MM and this was the response I got:
What exactly you are referring to? MediaMonkey is tested with Industry standard WAV editing software (like Sony SoundForge) and Authoring software following closely RIFF standard spec by Microsoft 1995 and its relative updates.
I'm Attaching you older version of Gspot that will show you exactly the list of MM Fields.
FYI in Case you want to investigate standards MM uses these:
1. INAM - Name/Title |(FF_Title)
2. IART - Artist |(FF_Artist)
3. IPRD - Product |(FF_Album)
4. IGNR - Genre |(FF_Genre)
5. ICMT - Comments |(FF_Comment)
6. ICMS - Commissioned |(FF_Publisher)
7. ICOP - Copyright |(FF_CopyRight)
8. ISRC - Source |(FF_ISRC)
9. ISFT - Software |(FF_Encoder)
10. IMUS - Music by |(FF_Composer)
11. IWRI - Written by |(FF_Lyricist)
12. ITCH - Technician |(FF_Conductor)
13. IAAR - Album artist |(FF_Band)
14. ISBJ - Subject |(FF_Subtitle)
15. itrk - Track Number |(FF_TrackNumber) //UPPERCASE writing handeled using 'UppercaseITRK' in '[WAVTagging]' Section of MediaMonkey.ini
16. ICRD - Creation Date |(FF_Year) In case it is in format yyyy-MM-DD only year is read.
17. IRTD - Rating |(FF_Rating)
18. ITGL - Track Gain Level |(FF_RGtrackgain)
19. IALB - Cart Chunk ALBUM |(FF_Album)
20. IGRE - Cart Chunk GENRE |(FF_Genre)
21. BCPR - Cart Chunk COPYRIGHT |(FF_CopyRight)
22. IYER - Cart Chunk YEAR |(FF_Year) In case it is in format yyyy-MM-DD only year is read.
23. IRVA - Track Peak level |(FF_RGtrackpeak) Relative volume adjustment
24. IAGL - Album Gain Level |(FF_RGalbumgain)
I tried opening a bug with MM and this was the response I got:
What exactly you are referring to? MediaMonkey is tested with Industry standard WAV editing software (like Sony SoundForge) and Authoring software following closely RIFF standard spec by Microsoft 1995 and its relative updates.
I'm Attaching you older version of Gspot that will show you exactly the list of MM Fields.
FYI in Case you want to investigate standards MM uses these:
1. INAM - Name/Title |(FF_Title)
2. IART - Artist |(FF_Artist)
3. IPRD - Product |(FF_Album)
4. IGNR - Genre |(FF_Genre)
5. ICMT - Comments |(FF_Comment)
6. ICMS - Commissioned |(FF_Publisher)
7. ICOP - Copyright |(FF_CopyRight)
8. ISRC - Source |(FF_ISRC)
9. ISFT - Software |(FF_Encoder)
10. IMUS - Music by |(FF_Composer)
11. IWRI - Written by |(FF_Lyricist)
12. ITCH - Technician |(FF_Conductor)
13. IAAR - Album artist |(FF_Band)
14. ISBJ - Subject |(FF_Subtitle)
15. itrk - Track Number |(FF_TrackNumber) //UPPERCASE writing handeled using 'UppercaseITRK' in '[WAVTagging]' Section of MediaMonkey.ini
16. ICRD - Creation Date |(FF_Year) In case it is in format yyyy-MM-DD only year is read.
17. IRTD - Rating |(FF_Rating)
18. ITGL - Track Gain Level |(FF_RGtrackgain)
19. IALB - Cart Chunk ALBUM |(FF_Album)
20. IGRE - Cart Chunk GENRE |(FF_Genre)
21. BCPR - Cart Chunk COPYRIGHT |(FF_CopyRight)
22. IYER - Cart Chunk YEAR |(FF_Year) In case it is in format yyyy-MM-DD only year is read.
23. IRVA - Track Peak level |(FF_RGtrackpeak) Relative volume adjustment
24. IAGL - Album Gain Level |(FF_RGalbumgain)