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Issue with album artist and unicode characters

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  • apb1

    • Dec 2008
    • 21

    Re: Issue with album artist and unicode characters

    I tried opening a bug with MM and this was the response I got:

    What exactly you are referring to? MediaMonkey is tested with Industry standard WAV editing software (like Sony SoundForge) and Authoring software following closely RIFF standard spec by Microsoft 1995 and its relative updates.

    I'm Attaching you older version of Gspot that will show you exactly the list of MM Fields.

    FYI in Case you want to investigate standards MM uses these:
    1. INAM - Name/Title |(FF_Title)
    2. IART - Artist |(FF_Artist)
    3. IPRD - Product |(FF_Album)
    4. IGNR - Genre |(FF_Genre)
    5. ICMT - Comments |(FF_Comment)
    6. ICMS - Commissioned |(FF_Publisher)
    7. ICOP - Copyright |(FF_CopyRight)
    8. ISRC - Source |(FF_ISRC)
    9. ISFT - Software |(FF_Encoder)
    10. IMUS - Music by |(FF_Composer)
    11. IWRI - Written by |(FF_Lyricist)
    12. ITCH - Technician |(FF_Conductor)
    13. IAAR - Album artist |(FF_Band)
    14. ISBJ - Subject |(FF_Subtitle)

    15. itrk - Track Number |(FF_TrackNumber) //UPPERCASE writing handeled using 'UppercaseITRK' in '[WAVTagging]' Section of MediaMonkey.ini
    16. ICRD - Creation Date |(FF_Year) In case it is in format yyyy-MM-DD only year is read.
    17. IRTD - Rating |(FF_Rating)

    18. ITGL - Track Gain Level |(FF_RGtrackgain)

    19. IALB - Cart Chunk ALBUM |(FF_Album)
    20. IGRE - Cart Chunk GENRE |(FF_Genre)
    21. BCPR - Cart Chunk COPYRIGHT |(FF_CopyRight)
    22. IYER - Cart Chunk YEAR |(FF_Year) In case it is in format yyyy-MM-DD only year is read.

    23. IRVA - Track Peak level |(FF_RGtrackpeak) Relative volume adjustment
    24. IAGL - Album Gain Level |(FF_RGalbumgain)
    Last edited by apb1; December 17, 2009, 03:38 PM.


    • apb1

      • Dec 2008
      • 21

      Re: Issue with album artist and unicode characters

      Sorry, I just realized that this thread duplicates my previous thread:

      Hi, I just downloaded the reference version of dbPowerAmp R12.4 to test it's appropriateness and viability for helping manage my music collection. First off, I'd like to state that I'm extremely pleased with it's capabilities and speed (253x real time for wav -> alac). I've already used EAC to rip ~400 CDs to WAV files and

      However, I still think my points continue to be valid.

      1. Either there needs to be a codec for transferring WAV LIST tags (both standard and non-standard ones [which are actually part of the standard]) to specific ID3 tags, or dpPowerAmp should be made to interoperate with MediaMonkey seamlessly. Also, a codec that does the reverse would be needed.

      2. dbPowerAmp needs to support tags with unicode characters. Other software that I use, Media Monkey and Squeezecenter, both deal 100% reliably when using unicode characters in ID3 tags and it is actually critical for accurately storing information (whether or not this is 100% standards-compliant). Maybe a switch which one can explicitly turn on, that tells dbPowerAmp to look for unicode characters in certain fields would help balance out the standards issue with the needs of users in non-standard situations.
      Last edited by apb1; December 17, 2009, 04:21 PM.


      • apb1

        • Dec 2008
        • 21

        Re: Issue with album artist and unicode characters

        Originally posted by Spoon
        LIST tags cannot be unicode, they are ansi code page only. It is possible MM is saving as UTF-8 which is not in the spec.
        That may be the case, but a growing number of software vendors support UTF-8 in tags regardless of the standard, because the standard is painfully inadequate in a global setting. For instance, dbPowerAmp, XRecode II and SqueezeCenter all support unicode in tags and deal with them reliably in my experience. I bet if I looked around, I could find about a dozen or so major vendors that support unicode in tags.

