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Rip to AAC (Nero) is not gapless

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  • jul059

    • Dec 2009
    • 8

    Re: Rip to AAC (Nero) is not gapless

    Just a thought,

    is it possible that the flag -ignorelength (which, I believe, is used by dbPoweramp) is the culprit?


    • juancdg

      • Mar 2008
      • 35

      Re: Rip to AAC (Nero) is not gapless

      Originally posted by jul059
      Just a thought,

      is it possible that the flag -ignorelength (which, I believe, is used by dbPoweramp) is the culprit?
      I believe not, because I used the Nero Encoder as CLI with that option disabled and the result is the same. :(


      • juancdg

        • Mar 2008
        • 35

        Re: Rip to AAC (Nero) is not gapless

        Any news about this problem?


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44841

          Re: Rip to AAC (Nero) is not gapless

          We are not currently investigating it, sorry.


          • DarkZod

            • Jun 2009
            • 27

            Re: Rip to AAC (Nero) is not gapless

            With 1.5.3 the gap problem seems fixed,at least now it's fine with me i also use dmc 14 beta but i don't think it's dbpoweramp related.


            • juancdg

              • Mar 2008
              • 35

              Re: Rip to AAC (Nero) is not gapless

              Originally posted by DarkZod
              With 1.5.3 the gap problem seems fixed,at least now it's fine with me i also use dmc 14 beta but i don't think it's dbpoweramp related.
              Thanks for the reply but I couldn't find the new Nero AAC Encoder. In the Nero page, it says that "The server may be overloaded..." and I can't download it. :(

              EDIT: I found the ftp site, downloaded it and it's gapless :D. Thank you for the information DarkZod. If you are looking the codec, you can download it here.
              Last edited by juancdg; January 15, 2010, 06:12 PM.


              • arthurb

                • Feb 2008
                • 36

                Re: Rip to AAC (Nero) is not gapless

                Hello Juancdg and DarkZod

                I'm definitely confused now, because having suffered this problem for a while I have been experimenting and even with NeroAacEnc I still have a problem. The transition from one track (i.e. audio file) to another is basically gapless, but there is an unpleasant 'skip', or 'jump', which causes a slightly unpleasant noise and is very annoying. This is slightly better than with 1.3.3, but only just, and is not acceptable. Is there any way out of this, as the problem appears to be confined to Nero's decoder?

                This behaviour occurs with MediaMonkey and Foobar2000, and does not occur when the files are encoded with NCH's converter, even though the files created say the codec used was "FAAC 1.24+ (Jul 14 2004) UNSTABLE", which seems odd (I do not want to use such an old codec though).


                • arthurb

                  • Feb 2008
                  • 36

                  Re: Rip to AAC (Nero) is not gapless

                  Further to my previous post, I have encoded some files using iTunes, and they play gaplessly with no problems; although to keep the tags in the files I use dmc to convert Wave to Alac, and then iTunes for Alac to m4a. So, both MM and Fb2k give the same results: iTunes and NCH encoding - gapless works with no problems; NeroAacEnc encoding - gapless has a nasty skip.

                  I like, and trust, all of the dbPa products, but this Nero thing is a pain; is there another encoder that dmc could call? I guess not.


                  • juancdg

                    • Mar 2008
                    • 35

                    Re: Rip to AAC (Nero) is not gapless

                    Hello arthurb, have you tried to play the files in winamp? They are gapless for me. One thing that I have found on the changelog is that now the Nero AAC encoder adds itunes tags (iTunSMPB) and that's the reason why they are gapless now.

                    Have you tried ripping a cd using dmc and the nero codec to see if the files are gapless? Maybe there is a problem in the transcode process and not with dmc.


                    • TechVsLife
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • May 2007
                      • 95

                      Re: Rip to AAC (Nero) is not gapless

                      A little late to this thread but:
                      You CAN use dbpoweramp to encode itunes aac. itunes aac is the same as quicktime aac, and there is a commandline encoder for quicktime. Just use the CLI codec and follow the directions, using the free commandline encoder found at

                      If you don't already have itunes installed, download quicktime for free (you don't need itunes) at:
                      QuickTime 7.7.9 improves security and is recommended for all QuickTime 7 users on Windows

