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mp3PRO plug-in fails with high frecuencies

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  • LordRoger

    • Feb 2003
    • 3

    mp3PRO plug-in fails with high frecuencies


    I am experiencing a little problem when encoding from any source to mp3PRO using dBPA + PowerPack + mp3PRO plugin.

    The resulting mp3PRO file does not play the higher sound frecuencies of the song (eg. the charles of the drum, cymbals...) during the first half second, then it plays correctly.

    When converting any file to mp3PRO, dBPA first makes a temporal WAV file, which is used by the encoder (Thomson mp3PRO). This temporal WAV DOES contain these higher frecuencies, but once it is encoded, the resulting mp3PRO file does not have them for the first half second.

    After the encoding procedure, the temp WAV file is deleted, but if I make a copy of the file and then encode it to mp3PRO using ONLY the Thomson encoder, higher frecuencies do not disappear.

    This means (I think) that the problem is not in the encoding software, but in the plug-in.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    The problem is in the mp3PRO plug that plays an mp3 pro file back? or the encoding plugin?


    • LordRoger

      • Feb 2003
      • 3

      The problem I think is in the encoding plugin.

      I have not used the decoder, because I use Winamp to play the files (with its adecuate plugin).



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Can you run a test for me please - encode one of your files to Wave - call it C:\a.wav

        then select Start >> Run

        "PATH and FILENAME of mp3PROplayer.exe" /ENCODE c:\a.wav

        and run your test on the resulting a.mp3 file.


        • LordRoger

          • Feb 2003
          • 3


          I did the following:

          I passed a Lame MP3 to MP3pro using dBPA MC. The temporary WAV file created (~dmcin.wav) was ok, but the final result was the lack of those high frecuencies during the first half second of the song in the MP3pro file.

          Then, I passed the original Lame MP3 to WAV using dBPA (reporting no problem). Once I had the WAV, I encoded it to MP3pro using first only the THOMSON encoder (doing it as you told me in your message) and second using the dBPA MC interface. On both there was no problem with the sound.

          Can't understand it :confused:

