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Poor performance even prior to conversion

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  • paul_999

    • Jun 2009
    • 1

    Poor performance even prior to conversion

    I am very disappointed in the performance of this product (reference dbamp R13.2). I purchased it to convert a large number of m4a files to mp3. Yes a large number (~2000). I used the batch converter and the highest quality settings so I knew it would take a while. But what was really annoying is that after setting the filter for m4a only in the batch explorer it does not list individual files in the explorer window until you go to a particular directory (i.e., no all files view) and when you click on the "list" icon on the menu it took over 8 hours to populate the the list! This should be simple. Then when you hit the convert button from within that window it took 6 hours before it even began the process in spite of the fact that I have a dual core processor and 6 GB of RAM. The program never used more that 5% of the CPU when examining the files, prior to converting and while the converting box was showing (the one that shows a progress line for each CPU). So even before beginning the conversion process it took about 14 hours-and this is supposed to be the "professional" product? I knew it would take a while for the actual conversion but for it to go down a "black hole" with no progress indicators either in the list view or for the box that shows the 2 CPU's, not showing any indication of activity for hours prior to actual engagement of those CPU's for converting, is terrible. The conversion process is not yet complete and it will take an estimated 15 hours. I can live with that but to spend nearly 14 hours just getting ready for this process is ridiculous. This product is too slow to be of any further use for batch conversion
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44700

    Re: Poor performance even prior to conversion

    Where are the audio files? local HDD? network?

    On my Vista, I can list 2000 lossless FLAC files in the 'List' of Batch Converter in under 1 minute (and that is all tag reading, it takes 2 seconds to get the tracks with no tag data).

    Also your security software might be at fault.

