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I need help :(

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  • Vadiah

    • Jan 2003
    • 7

    I need help :(

    Hi, i have used dBpowerAMP Music Converter before with no problems at all, recently i reformated my computer and reinstalled dBpoweramp, now it keeps giving me an error saying

    The CODEC required to compress 'C:\Program Files\My Sounds\Sounds\Jon Bon Jovi - Living On A Prayer.wav' could not be opened.

    I have went and downloaded MPEG layer 3 and the l3codec
    im like so lost why it wont work n keeps saying the codec to compress the wav can't be opened,

    Can maybe the client be corupted?
    is maybe im missing something here n im not getting the hint of it?

    Please help me, ive been trying for two days on my own to figure it out, downloading stuff, and the stuff im getting aint working on it :headbang:

  • dg5623

    • Jan 2003
    • 6


    When you said that, " I have went and downloaded MPEG layer 3 and the l3codec" do you mean the lame codec? If not, try that. The latest is 3.93.1... you can find it at:



    • Vadiah

      • Jan 2003
      • 7

      I went and downloaded the lame codec, still wont allow me to compress a mp3 into a wav

      I have the attributes on mpeg layer-3
      and the format is 32kbits 22,050hz mono

      and it wont convert it :(

      Ive done this before, i have converted lots of mp3's into wavs using this format, and had no problem which this is why it's so confussing, i can't figure out what im missing, :headbang:

      thanks for your help dg5623


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Try some of the other compressions settings, ie stereo 128kbps, 44.1khz - does that work?


        • dg5623

          • Jan 2003
          • 6


          You wrote: "still wont allow me to compress a mp3 into a wav " & "i have converted lots of mp3's into wavs"

          I'm understanding that you want to convert mp3 to a wav? If that's the case, all you need is DMC to convert the mp3 to wav. Are you making your own audio CD's? No need to compress the's already compressed. Just click on the mp3, request to convert to wav, set the attributes to CD Quality Wav [PCM]...& set the format to 44,100 16 Bit Stereo. You are all set. Then fire up your favorite CD burner program, and create your audio CD.


          • Vadiah

            • Jan 2003
            • 7

            I tryed the other formats & Attributes,
            And they do work, I just cant get the mpeg layer 3 attribute to work, it keeps telling me im missing some codec...
            And i cant use the other choices because
            The program i use these wavs on, cant handle nothing but
            mpeg layer 3 and the size i have given nothing bigger,
            or i would have went to the other choices

            It's like just so headbanging, cause i don't know what codec i need, to use mpeg option



            • dg5623

              • Jan 2003
              • 6


              In your first post, you said you wanted to compress Bon Jovi\Living On A Prayer.wav. So I'm thinking that you want to convert the wav to mp3. Then you said that you wanted to convert mp3 to wav. ????? What player are you trying to play your music on that requires the settings that you are trying to convert to?


              • Vadiah

                • Jan 2003
                • 7

                Thats the error i get when trying to convert the mp3 into a wav
                It auto comes up saying it cant convert it, and it auto sends the wav to the place i had selected, but, it's a blank wav
                nothing on it...

                I use a chat client known as cheetachat, and it allows us to use wavs in the client, But due to the size, it has to be as is, or they wont work

                Anyway, is there a codec or something we need to use to, convert using the mpeg layer 3 attribute? and in my download, maybe i didnt get the codec, or missing it some how?


                • dg5623

                  • Jan 2003
                  • 6


                  Ok, I see now what you are doing. As far as I know (maybe someone can jump in here and correct me), there is no codec to convert mp3 to wav. Unless one got installed and I didn't know about it. Click on the mp3 that you want converted and click wav as the target. Click Format and change to MPEG Layer-3. Click on attributes, scroll down to 22,050 Hz, Mono 4 KB/s. That will give you your 32 kBit/s. Make sure your output directory is set. Click convert. Away you go. If it doesn't work, then I'm sorry. I just tried it on an mp3, and it converted without a problem. Hope you get it to work.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44825

                    You have everything, it is just some of the combinations do not work, so keep trying to convert to Wave (an mpeg layer3 wave file) but try different mp3 compression settings such as:

                    joint stereo 128kbps, 44.1khz


                    • Vadiah

                      • Jan 2003
                      • 7

                      well i tryed everything in mpeg layer 3 format
                      It has to be the codec in dbpoweramp :| cause i can convert in pcm, and it works fine, its just converting into mpeg layer 3 format
                      i have xp is dbpoweramp compatible(sp) with xp?


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44825

                        It is compatible with XP.

