Why would you want to? mp3 Lame is by far the better encoder.
For sound files that I have to deal with (very specific sound structures inside, generally not music), Lame is the worst codec I have encountered. Even Fraunhofer sounds better than Lame (but FH has other issues). Generally I am audiophile with synesthesia. Sound produced by Lame, makes me feel sick (affects my taste and mood); funny thing is that I'm not the onlyone who feels that way. Generally I use lossless formats (or musepack), but sometimes I'm forced to use mp3. Bladeenc or nothing else. Lame for lowbitrate (like 40kbps) auditions perhaps, but not for 256kbps or higher sound designs.
I repeat my question/request: how to connect Baldeenc to dbpoweramp converter?