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Bizarre dbPowerAmp - Nero issue

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  • jack_frost

    • Mar 2007
    • 11

    Bizarre dbPowerAmp - Nero issue

    I have hit a bizarre issue while trying to create an audio CD out of a number of mp3 files (all converted to mp3 using dbPoweramp), using Nero as my burning software. No matter what I do, Nero says the files are twice as long as they actually are. For example, Nero says that a 7 minute track is 14 minutes long, and when I do a test play within Nero it is 7 minutes of audio plus 7 minutes of silence. I have double-checked the length of the file by opening it in several different audio players and editors, and I have also checked its ID Tags and properties in Mp3tag and windows explorer. Every program except Nero says that the file is 7 minutes long. When I burn the file to audio CD using Nero, the resulting track is 14 minutes long - 7 minutes of audio and 7 minutes of silence.

    I have spent hours trying to work out what is going on, pulling many of my audio files into Nero, and I am now certain that the only files that Nero makes this mistake with are ones which have been converted to mp3 using dbPoweramp.

    I have played around with dbPowerAmp conversion settings and discovered that if I select mp3 as the output file type, and set the output frequency to 44.1 khz (CD), then Nero recognises the length of the resulting file correctly. However, if I leave the frequency settings as "Same as source" or specify another frequency (I tried 16 khz and 24 khz) then Nero thinks the resulting file is twice as long as it actually is.

    I have double checked this as follows:
    I open a 3 minute mp3 file (which Nero is recognising correctly) in dbPowerAmp. I set dbPoweramp as follows: Mp3 (lame); Quality (VBR) "medium"; Encoding: Slow (High Quality); Frequency: As Source; Channels: Auto. Before conversion Nero correctly recognises the length of the track as 3 minutes. After conversion Nero says it is 6 minutes.

    I then convert the original track again, using exactly the same settings as above, except that I set the Frequency at 44.1 khz. Nero now correctly recognises the length of the resulting file as 3 minutes.

    Does anyone have any ideas what is going on here? It seems to me that it must be some kind of incompatability between dbPowerAmp and Nero, because I have converted 1000s of audio files, and the only ones that Nero has any problem with are the ones converted by dbPowerAmp. (I have tried converting several of the problem files with 2 other conversion programs and both of them create files that Nero has no difficulties with.)

    I am using dbPowerAmp version 12 (registered) and Windows XP Pro SP3.

    (I use dbPoweramp as my conversion program for a range of file types which other programs don't convert well or at all. I convert all my files to mp3 format to transfer to my Cowon D2 player, and only rarely burn files to audio CD. That is why I am creating an audio CD from mp3 files.)
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Bizarre dbPowerAmp - Nero issue

    I would say it is a bug in Nero (it might be thinking the files are mp3pro when they are not).


    • LtData
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 8288

      Re: Bizarre dbPowerAmp - Nero issue

      What is the current frequency of your mp3 files before conversion?


      • jack_frost

        • Mar 2007
        • 11

        Re: Bizarre dbPowerAmp - Nero issue

        Thanks for your replies. I am finding this all really wierd and it is showing me how little I understand.

        I am interested in your comment about Nero thinking that the files are Mp3Pro - can you explain more about this? I have purchased the Mp3Pro licence from Nero, and it is installed on my computer. As far as I understand it, that is the only way that Nero will process mp3 files. Is there some way of telling Nero that these particular files are NOT mp3Pro?

        The frequency of the original file does not seem to be the issue, as the files which Nero gets wrong AND the files which Nero gets correct are all originally 22.050 Khz.

        Example: Nero gets this file correct:
        Cocaine Blues: 80 kBit/s, 22.050 Hz, Stereo - 3 mins

        After conversion with dbPowerAmp: set at VBR "190", Frequency: As source; Channels: Auto: Nero says it is 6 minutes.

        After conversion with dbPowerAmp set as above but specifying 44.1 Khz, Nero gets it right.

        I tried converting it with dbpoweramp set to CBR, but that didn't make any difference. If frequency is set "as source", Nero gets the length wrong, if set at 44.1, Nero gets the length right.


        In the meantime, I have downloaded ImgBurn for the first time and I am now using it as my burning software. So far I am finding it excellent.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44825

          Re: Bizarre dbPowerAmp - Nero issue

          Mp3pro files are 22KHz and are upsampled to 44.1KHz.

