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Using dMC From Helium Music Manager

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  • muzicman82

    • Aug 2008
    • 5

    Using dMC From Helium Music Manager


    I would like to setup dBpoweramp Music Converter as an External Application in Helium Music Manager. I'd like to be able to setup a Convert To option similar to the Explorer context menu so that I can send files to the Music Converter from Helium instead of using the Batch File Selector.

    What should my command string be?

  • Wayne
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Aug 2002
    • 1254

    Re: Using dMC From Helium Music Manager

    See here for details of calling the converter from a command line.

    What you need to know are what variables the Helium Music Manager supplies for you to use.


    • muzicman82

      • Aug 2008
      • 5

      Re: Using dMC From Helium Music Manager

      That looks like it is for just starting a conversion from the command line. I don't want to do that. I want to queue files for conversion in the MusicConverter.exe peofeam and then be able to change conversions settings. So, I really just want a way to use Helium to replace the DMCFileSelector.exe program.


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: Using dMC From Helium Music Manager

        Then you would have write a script that could accept the values Helium Music Manager would pass to it and have the script invoke dMC against those files. Also, scripting directly invokes the CoreConverter.exe program and encodes, there is no GUI present.


        • muzicman82

          • Aug 2008
          • 5

          Re: Using dMC From Helium Music Manager

          I don't want to encode directly from Helium.

          My impression (which could be mistaken) is that DMCFileSelector.exe is where you batch select the files you want to convert. When you click the Convert button, I imagine it sends the selection list over to MusicConverter.exe. This program is where I can select (with a GUI) the conversion format, naming options, encoding options, etc.

          It would be nice if I could just format a launch string for MusicConverter.exe so that it accepts a selection of selected files from Helium. I'm starting to gather that MusicConverter.exe doesn't work this way... but how does it work?

          So, if I called "MusicConverter.exe %files%" or something, it would launch MusicConverter.exe with the files I selected queued up.

          It seems like this would be the same implementation as the right-click context menu "Convert To". So, if I select 4 files in Explorer, and choose "Convert To", it launches MusicConverter.exe with 4 files queued up.



          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44840

            Re: Using dMC From Helium Music Manager

            You pass it a temporary unicode file containing the list of files to convert, I doubt helium could write that.

