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Appropriate Setting

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  • M@nT!$

    Appropriate Setting

    Ok...I'd just like to know what is the best setting for DbPowerAMP. I have a MP3/CD player so I'd like good quality with space not being that much of an issue, so around 128-192 kbps. However, I've heard so much talk of "alt-preset extreme" in other forums and have no idea what they're on about. Apparently it's really good, but I have no idea. Also, I'd like to know which you guys prefer, Vbr, Cbr or Abr. So all in all I'd simply like to know what's the best quality one can cram into about 5 megs for 4 minutes. Thanks in anticipation.

    BTW- I listen to mostly rap and hip-hop music if that makes any difference

    Whoops, almost forgot. I've heard that using cbr is easier for the mp3/cd player and results in less skipping. Also what's this with the "alt-preset standard". I read someone recommened ( "--alt-preset cbr 192" for MP3/CD players (he said 160 was good but not great for songs with high distortion ie Heavy metal, not a problem). I sorta understand the preset thing (it's in advanced and presets), but I didn't see any extreme nor standard. So what is everyone talking about with the presets and how would I do this using DbpowerAMP??? Thanks for putting up with my incessant babbling
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    The presets are just a quick way of setting Lame up, so for example you might have a -alt preset spoon

    Which could be basically VBR 192 kbps.....dMC encodes to Lame through the DLL, at this time the dll is not able to access the alt presets.

    I am sure Modatic, our resident audio expert will be better able to advise you.


    • MODatic
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Apr 2002
      • 230

      Not CBR at all, I use ABR on my rio 500 and VBR on my iRiver iMP-250.

      --alt-preset standard sounds like the perfect preset for you.

      Have a look at my --alt-preset guide.

      Once you download the commandline version of lame, set it up with dBpowerAMP's Generic CLI creator which can be downloaded from here or use the Wave2Lame frontend.
      Last edited by MODatic; April 27, 2002, 12:16 AM.


      • M@nT!$

        Ok I understand much better now. Thnaks

        However, I don't want to buy DbPowerAMP Power Pack and Wave2Lame you mentioned doesn't work (it says "cannot init output file" then the file location). So I'd like to know if you have any other alternatives to these two front ends.


        • MODatic
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Apr 2002
          • 230

          Well, there's LameDrop and then there's RazorLame.

          Both are free, but don't contain the encoder. Make sure you already have it downloaded.


          • M@nT!$

            thanks again, but why does it say that the "input and output file are the same". Does this mean that I have to encode all my existing files to .wav and then use the alt preset standard configuration in order to create the MP3's again??? Is there a more efficient way???


            • MODatic
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Apr 2002
              • 230

              I take it you were trying to reencode your existing mp3s into Lame --alt-preset standard?

              MP3 is a lossy process, once you encode your music, you've lost quality that can not be retrieved unless you rerip from the CD. Converting your existing mp3 collection to an alt-preset setting will not improve quality, it will take even more quality away, nor will coverting them to wave give back any quality. What is lost is lost unless you rerip from the CD.

              Have a peek at this:
              What is transcoding? Transcoding is the process of converting one compressed format file to another. For example, a MP3 converted directly to Ogg Vorbis or Ogg Vorbis converted to Wave then to MP3 are both examples of Transcoding. Why is it bad? The process of converting a song to a lossy format like MP3 or Ogg Vorbis

              Is there a more efficient way???
              Not for the moment :(

