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Error Message when converting FLAC to m4a

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  • iamnicolekidman

    • May 2008
    • 3

    Error Message when converting FLAC to m4a

    I'm going to apologize in advance for not being as technologically literate as a lot of the users in this forum, but I've only been using dMC casually to convert files that I download from torrent programs and have encountered no problems using it up until now.

    I'm trying to convert a series of audio files which are currently in FLAC format to the m4a Nero (AAC) format so I can play them with iTunes. Whenever I try to do this, however, it displays the following message:

    Error writing audio data to StdIn Pipe [clEncoder::EncodeBlock]

    and hence, I am stuck. I've updated all my codecs to their most recent versions, and have not chosen to enforce a coder profile. I don't know whether or not this could be an issue, but all the files I have previously decoded have been labeled as FLAC lossless, while these are FLAC high definition 24/96.

    Once again, I'm sorry if this is coming across as a stupid question, but if you can offer any advice or directions on how to fix this problem, I'd be extremely grateful.

    Thanks, adrienne
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Error Message when converting FLAC to m4a

    Use a DSP effect:

    Set Bit Depth to 16
    and Resample to 44.1KHz


    • iamnicolekidman

      • May 2008
      • 3

      Re: Error Message when converting FLAC to m4a

      I tried installing the DSP effects, but even after doing so the option to add any of the effects is greyed out since I don't have the Power Pack (which I'm assuming is one of the pay versions of the program). Is there anything else that I could try?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: Error Message when converting FLAC to m4a

        Only the DSP effects.


        • iamnicolekidman

          • May 2008
          • 3

          Re: Error Message when converting FLAC to m4a

          Hmm, now I remember... 24/96 is typically used for DVD audio files, right? I think I understand what the problem was now! In any case, the source that I downloaded this from also offers the files in normal FLAC format, so I'm assuming once I download those I'll be able to use dMC as I was before.

          Thanks so for your help

