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Tag conversion

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  • Truck3r

    • Apr 2008
    • 6

    Tag conversion


    I have just tried the dMC to convert som ogg files to m4a. I am pretty impressed so far, but I am somewhat uncertain about how tags are converted between the different formats.
    How does a DATE tag in ogg map to m4a for example? I know a little about ogg tags and I use some of the standard ones recognized by Winamp. But as I am considering converting a rather large collection of ogg music to m4a (to make it work with iTunes) I am uncertain which tags dMC maps to what when the files are converted to eg. m4a. Is there some sort of documentation on this?

    If this is documented elsewhere, please excuse my ignorance.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Tag conversion

    We map correctly between all formats, like the date tag you mentioned, convert to m4a or mp3 and it will appear correctly.


    • Truck3r

      • Apr 2008
      • 6

      Re: Tag conversion

      Thanks for your answer.

      That's all very well that you "map correctly between all formats", but what if I have used som custom tag editor and for instance have a tag in my Ogg file that's called "RELEASE_YEAR" and I want that to map to the DATE tag (or whatever it is called in m4a)?

      I could have similar problems if I had defined tags like "SOLIST" and "BAND" and I wanted them both to map to "ARTIST" when I convert to m4a.

      So I do not dispute your correctness regarding mapping between different formats at all - my question is simply: What to do if I have been totally stupid and tagged my Ogg files with my own homemade tagnames, and now I want to convert them to m4a and map the tags to something iTunes can understand?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: Tag conversion

        Use the 'ID Tag Processing' DSP effect and map say RELEASE_YEAR to YEAR.

