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Illegal Operation?

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  • albrecht

    Illegal Operation?

    Well, a bit of a situation arose today when I was using music converter, usually all the codecs and everything works fine and stuff but today, it seems to keep giving me that illegal operation message. I tried uninstalling and re-installing again and same thing happened. (ie - I tried converting a wav to ogg or mp3, etc, but before it starts converting, like after getting the presets ready and clicking ok, the message comes up)

    Well, I'm not planning to change converters any time soon, but uh.. how do I fix this?
  • albrecht

    Oh, and I also have another weird problem as well... sometimes in the middle of ripping a CD, the dMC audio prog just freezes and I have to take the CD out and re-install again... what could be causing this?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      It could be your computer is overheating?


      • miss_behavin_24

        • Dec 2002
        • 12

        I don't think it's your computer because now I am having this same problem. I can't convert anything anymore because it says illegal operation and shuts the program down. I've uninstalled and redownloaded 4 times now and still get the same message.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44825

          Converting from CD?


          • miss_behavin_24

            • Dec 2002
            • 12

            It doesn't matter what I'm doing I get an illegal operation. I try to rip from CD and get that message or I download an MP3 from the internet and try to convert it to a wav and I get that error.


            • miss_behavin_24

              • Dec 2002
              • 12

              OMG Imma kill this damn thing. Now my sound recorder is giving me the same illegal operation message when I try to format with it.


              • Unregistered

                dBpoerAMP Won't start

                Great program....

                although.. i've been using it for a few days, and all of a sudden today it won't run, i just get the stupid :

                "windows has trouble with this program, just like everything else, and some how i still steal billions of dollers out of people's pockets, do you want me to tell microsoft what you've been up too??"

                error, the second it starts up... the music will start playing but it will never actually get to the amp part..... thanks

                (Win XP)



                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44825

                  Have a look:

                  This Forum >> dBpowerAMP Audio Player >> FAQ

                  there is a section on setting it to a 'fresh state'


                  • Unregistered

                    windows sux

                    I've had this prob b 4.... its called windows is a lump of crap aka what most prob happened is that windows has locked up and one of the windows dlls has craped itself so guess what.... u have to reinstall windows

