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Converting to FLAC from WMA Lossless

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  • Craigb

    • Feb 2008
    • 8

    Converting to FLAC from WMA Lossless

    I am trying to convert from Windows Lossless created by ripping with WMA11 to FLAC. THe conversion goes ok but I can not get the tags to work correctly I tried reading the files with WMP and Winamp it seems to be missing the core tags such as Album, Artist and Year. I just downloaded the most recent version of DBPA. Any thoughts.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44773

    Re: Converting to FLAC from WMA Lossless

    Hold the mouse over the WMA Lossless, does dBpoweramp show the ID Tags, hold over the FLAC, does dBpoweramp show the tags (which are missing).


    • Craigb

      • Feb 2008
      • 8

      Re: Converting to FLAC from WMA Lossless

      I think I got it. It was a setting for flac during the conversion. I had changed the default setting tag creation and should not have then I sent the others leave as and now all seems good.

      That was a great tip fo checking them. I will remember that.



      • Craigb

        • Feb 2008
        • 8

        Re: Converting to FLAC from WMA Lossless

        I am still having an issue with WMP not reading the track number. Other programs seem to see it but WMP will not. Is there a setting I am missing? If I open them with another tag editor and save them without making any changes then WMP reads them fine. I assume there is something about the format dBpower writes that WMP does not like. I also assume based on the power of the tool it is a setting I am missing.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44773

          Re: Converting to FLAC from WMA Lossless

          Which advanced WMA tag settings do you have set?


          • Craigb

            • Feb 2008
            • 8

            Re: Converting to FLAC from WMA Lossless

            I did not see the advanced WMA settings. I was just setting things under FLAC because that is what I was converting to. I am not sure what to use under WMA. The defaults apparently did not work the way I need so I will try others.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44773

              Re: Converting to FLAC from WMA Lossless

              WM/Track should be 'As String (0 based)'
              WM/TrackNumber 'As String'

              I am confused as your post states going to Flac, but your message is about WMP not reading the track number of a WMA Lossless file. My question: is the problem going WMA >> Flac or >> WMA (and setting a tag which WMP can read)?


              • Craigb

                • Feb 2008
                • 8

                Re: Converting to FLAC from WMA Lossless

                WMA Lossless > FLAC and using WMP to read teh FLAC file into its librbary. I plan to dump the WMP Lossless format once i can read them all in FLAC so I don't use twice the storage. I am trying some various settings now. With the defalut settings all the tracks are read into WMP as 0.


                • Craigb

                  • Feb 2008
                  • 8

                  Re: Converting to FLAC from WMA Lossless

                  I have tried a couple conversions now with the wma setting to dword 1 and it seems to be working now. The two I did this morning worked ok anyway. I set up a conversion to do about 50 directories during the day today. I will check it tonight to see how they worked.

                  Your apps are great. I am just having problems figuring out which knobs to turn to get them to do what I need. I have not yet found anything they could not do. Well, maybe they can't fix the errors that exist between the keyboard and the chair.



                  • Craigb

                    • Feb 2008
                    • 8

                    Re: Converting to FLAC from WMA Lossless

                    I may be way off base. I may not be doing everything I need to do in WMP to get it right. I still had songs comming in and showing the tracks as zero. If when in WMP I go to tools and use "Apply Media Infomration Changes" it seems to change all the zeros to the proper tracks. I believe it is just how WMP does things that was confusing me. On the ones that I thought were zero before I had used the WMP "Find Album Info" before I looked at the track numbers trying to fix the graphic and that was probably fix the track number issue at the same time.

                    I beleive at this time there is nothing wrong with the converter or the settings. I beleive it is all WMP related. Sorry for wasting your time.


