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Id Tag Update - what and how?

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  • Arthur Barton

    • Feb 2008
    • 4

    Id Tag Update - what and how?

    Hello - I understand that I am being very dim here (nothing new), but from being very pleased to see the ITU Utility Codec listed I have now turned to being bemused and befuddled. Could someone please explain exactly what functions this utility is meant to perform, and how one makes it perform them? I have looked around this site for enlightenment, but am still mystified.

    Thanks for any help.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Id Tag Update - what and how?

    Install it and see the help which describes the functionality.


    • Arthur Barton

      • Feb 2008
      • 4

      Re: Id Tag Update - what and how?

      Well, that's exactly what I had done, and it was after I had tried it that I posted the question above. I have no problem with the documentation/help for these products being sparse and terse, as they are cheap and yet contain a lot of functionality (I am very impressed with the Converter). I just cannot make out what ITU does - I had hoped it would be a easy to use and standalone tag editor, perhaps with file renaming, but I am mystified; sorry.


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: Id Tag Update - what and how?

        It can be used to mass update or delete tags. It can also be used to copy tags from one tag to another (album artist to artist, for instance) or import album art into the files themselves or export the album art out.


        • Arthur Barton

          • Feb 2008
          • 4

          Re: Id Tag Update - what and how?

          I think I am beginning to understand - you would use ITU to ensure commonality of tags between formats perhaps, and customise the tags used in each format? The tag formats that you can read and write are, I suppose, defined by the Codecs that are installed?

          This leads me back to what I was looking at a few days ago. The description of the M4A/AAC Codec says: 'Adding ID tags to mp4 has standardized on the Apple iTunes format, although a competing Nero tagging format has emerged.' However, in the configuration tool - Advanced Options - the description for AAC 'tagging' says: '... Creation Ape2', with two further options of ID3v2 v2.3 and ID3v2 Text ANSI. The Monkey Audio (Ape) tags would not appear to be the iTunes format (or are they?), and the ID3 Tags aren't (from MP3?), so how do I, or can I, create standard M4A/AAC tags?

          I, like most people I guess, would like to ensure maximum compatibility in the files I create for use across many products, so I want to use 'standard' options where possible. Can you, Spoon or anyone else help by explaining these seeming contradictions, and how I can get 'standard' tags?

          Sorry to ask these odd questions, particularly if the answers seem obvious to you. I can only assure you that I have been looking around, here and via Google, and this seems a confusing area to me.
          Thanks for any help,
          Last edited by Arthur Barton; February 07, 2008, 12:28 AM. Reason: Clarity


          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: Id Tag Update - what and how?

            Yes, the tag formats written are the type for that format.

            In regards to AAC, from the AAC help file:
            here exists no standard for writing ID tags to .aac files, dBpoweramp by default will write an APE v2 tag, ID3v2 or ID3v1 can also be selected as default.
            There are no standard AAC tags, but dMC will write iTunes tags for m4a files.


            • Arthur Barton

              • Feb 2008
              • 4

              Re: Id Tag Update - what and how?

              OK, APE tags for 'raw' AAC files (though that seems a contradiction) and iTunes tags for M4A files, and the converter alters the tags along with the music data during conversion. So, are you suggesting that for the broadest compatibility I create m4a files? (I know Spoon likes Ape, but...).

              Now, one last thing before I go to bed (it's nearly 3am here - I don't want to think about morning). I am really, really happy... I have just discovered the 'Arrange Audio' converter/codec, and it does the one thing that I really wanted: renaming Wave files from tags ......... Thank you Spoon and anyone else I don't know about.

              I am digitising quite a lot of LPs, and after creating Wave files I only wanted to put the information in once, then create a CD and some m4a/aac files for storing and use on a Creative ZEN. Plus I want to archive the files onto DVDs in WMA Lossless format. I already had Nero Version 7, and use that for editing tracks and burning, but it was not easy to use and could not do everything I wanted. With this great package of software, I now can work pretty much as I want. Ok, perhaps the Windows Explorer based tag editor is not as slick as say Tag&Rename, but it does the job perfectly adequately and it works with Wave files (very few do that and not T&R), and it allows me to work in many formats with common data - just brilliant.

              Thank you again Spoon et al - and thank you LtData.


              • LtData
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • May 2004
                • 8288

                Re: Id Tag Update - what and how?

                Actually, for the broadest compatability period, make mp3 files with ID3v2.3 and ID3v1.1 tags at 320kbps CBR. However, if you don't want mp3, my next two choices would be WMA and then m4a.

