I just installed dbpowerampt music conveter and tried to convert some .m4a files (from i-tunes). but i allways get the error message:
Error converting to mp3 (Lame), 'X:\Musik\...\09 River.m4a' to 'X:\Musik\...\09 River.mp3'
Error m4a audio file is corrupt. [clfaad::DecodeBlock]
can anybody tell me what's the reason and what i could do about it?
I just installed dbpowerampt music conveter and tried to convert some .m4a files (from i-tunes). but i allways get the error message:
Error converting to mp3 (Lame), 'X:\Musik\...\09 River.m4a' to 'X:\Musik\...\09 River.mp3'
Error m4a audio file is corrupt. [clfaad::DecodeBlock]
can anybody tell me what's the reason and what i could do about it?