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Album art (folder.jpg)

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  • turnstyle

    • Dec 2007
    • 35

    Album art (folder.jpg)

    Hi all, two questions about the folder.jpg files...

    1) they don't all seem to have the exact same pixel size -- all so far have been 150 wide, but the height varies (up to 150, but sometimes shorter) -- I would expect all to have a perfect 150x150 square, is that not right?

    2) some are missing, so I checked at AMG, and I do see them there -- but at 200 wide -- is there an easy way to get them at 150, or do I have to Photoshop them down so that they'll match the ones from db?

    thanks, -Scott
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: Album art (folder.jpg)

    Not all album art is square, we save it as it arrives. You can change amg to give 250x250.


    • turnstyle

      • Dec 2007
      • 35

      Re: Album art (folder.jpg)

      Thanks -- this seems a bit odd to me.

      On the AMG site, the images are 200 wide, whereas via db I can only get 150 or 250, is that right?

      The issue is that some are missing, but it's a bit complicated to replace them -- can I not tell db to fetch the 200 wide version? Or, can I fetch 150 or 250 from AMG? (if yes, how?)

      btw, where do I change the size in db?

      thanks, -Scott


      • turnstyle

        • Dec 2007
        • 35

        Re: Album art (folder.jpg)

        Ah, I now see that in db I can choose 250x250, 200x200, 150x150, 120x120, and 75x75 -- via Meta > Settings > AMG

        (and, presumably, that actually means 250x{up to 250}, etc.)



        • Ney

          • Nov 2007
          • 45

          Re: Album art (folder.jpg)

          Coverart on e.g. digipacks aint square, so it wouldnt make sence to have a completely square image

