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audio from wmv to a CD???

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  • freddo12345

    • Dec 2002
    • 5

    audio from wmv to a CD???


    i'm new to all this, so thanks for your patience!

    i have about 15 wmv files i've downloaded, and i want to extract the audio from them, and create a CD that i can listen to on any CD player. the content is mostly an interview show with a very small amount of music.

    i can successfully do a conversion into wav or wma or even mp3 format, but often the resulting file size is larger than the original audio/video wmv! it is obvious there are many options here.

    the original wmv's are around 50MB in length. the wma files i can create are only 2-8 mb, but the quality is only fair. and, my cd creator only accepts wav or mp3 files...

    so, can anyone help me figure out which is the best formatting options to use? or point me to some understandable guides?


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Try 'dBpowerAMP CD Writer' it should do everything for you stright from the WMV file.


    • freddo12345

      • Dec 2002
      • 5

      hi and thanks for your response,

      let me be more clear. i have about 15 wmv files, each about 2 hours in length. each wmv file takes about 50 mb on the disk. it would seem the audio portion only should take less!

      when i drag just one of these files to the cd writer, the resulting conversion file says it is 'overburn.' so this does not make sense to me, since a cd should hold 650mb of info...

      can you clarify this--and what my options are to get 15 audio files on 1 audio cd--if it's possible. perhaps there is some 'minimalist' standard set by the music mfrs?




      • Razgo
        • Apr 2002
        • 2532

        you have said many things here.

        i haven't tried wmv files before but if it holds 2hrs worth of audio then it will need more than one cd.

        even though it's only 50meg , but if you are converting to audio to be played back on a normal cd player than the converted file would need to be split up so it will fit on one 80 min cd as an example.

        is this what you are trying to do? make it playable on a normal cd player?


        • freddo12345

          • Dec 2002
          • 5

          yes thanks. that's right, we want it to play on a regular CD player. but if that's limited to 80 minutes or so, then my plan will not work. we have 24 hours of audio.

          it's strange, since in wmv (a/v) format, it all fits easily on one CD--a data cd. i guess there no such thing as an audio CD with hours of play time on it...




          • Razgo
            • Apr 2002
            • 2532

            well, all is not lost. sure it might take a few cd's but......

            you can convert from wmv to wav with powerpack option "maximum length"

            just load your track prior to all this to see see where you want the cut off point. obviusly you want it cut below 80 or 74 mins depending on your blank cd. but just wait for a pause in the talk audio somewhere near the 74 or 80 mins so you don't miss anything.

            say it was at 70 mins and 3 sec, then thats what you set the "maxamin lenght" to.

            now because there might be another 70 mins on the original file you can grab it again and now use powerpack to trim the first 70 mins and 3 secs, so it will only convert the last 70 mins.

            many options to look at there using powerpack options. but i understand all the cd's you will have to make too. but once it's done it's done
            Last edited by Spoons; December 24, 2002, 04:06 AM.


            • Unregistered

              What you can burn on an Audio CD is a function of playing time - nothing else.

              Regardless of what format your PC file is in, audio CDs are burnt from wav files. Any software that purports to use other formats transparently converts them to wav files as it burns.

              So you will never get 2 hours of sound onto a standard CD. Sorry.


              • freddo12345

                • Dec 2002
                • 5

                thanks to all of you for your time. fred

