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Simple way to reproduce directory structure?

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  • Des

    • Jul 2007
    • 36

    Simple way to reproduce directory structure?

    I have an alac collection, stored under drive S:. I want to create a parallel collection but encoded in flac on drive U:.
    I use the batch convertor and select a small number of files from within the directory structure of S: to evaluate the process. I click on the 'Convert' button and it pulls up the conversion utility. Is there a simple way to reproduce the directory structure of S: on U:

    E.g. I want S:\Al Green\The Best Of\18 Belle.m4a to be converted to
    U:\Al Green\The Best Of\18 Belle.flac

    I just want U: to copy S: Can this be specified?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: Simple way to reproduce directory structure?

    You need dBpoweramp Reference and specify the naming (with the dynamic folder selected):


    For more details:

    At the request of multiple users, I am writing a short tutorial on how to use the naming scheme in dMC r12. The basics of the naming scheme are simple to get: [artist] - use for the artist name [album artist] - use for the album artist, NOT the same as artist necessarily [album] - use for the album title [title] -


    • Des

      • Jul 2007
      • 36

      Re: Simple way to reproduce directory structure?

      Thank you


      • Kdeemer

        • Dec 2006
        • 18

        Re: Simple way to reproduce directory structure?

        I'm trying to use this approach. I actually have a long path - Folder1\Folder2\Folder3...\FLAC that I want to convert to Folder1\Folder2\Folder3...\MP3, so I have mapped each path to network drives W: and X:

        The problem is that whenever I specify a Dynamic Path W:\[origpath]\[origfilename], the colon ( : ) is changed to a semi-colon ( ; ) and the conversion fails. It appears normally when I type it in and in the box next to 'Dynamic' on the conversion page, but as a semi-colon in the 'Example' below the 'Naming' box. The converter interprets it as a semi-colon and gets all screwed up. I've tried creating the entry in Wordpad and cutting and pasting, but that doesn't work either.

        The error message is:
        Unable to open file "\\.host\shared folders\ken on mac\Music\MP3\W;\John Coltrane\Interplay - Disc 1\etc..."

        As you can see, I am running this under VMWare Fusion on a Mac, but have had no other issues of this sort. DbPoweramp works fine other than this issue.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44840

          Re: Simple way to reproduce directory structure?

          You set the drive in the box above dynamic naming.


          • Kdeemer

            • Dec 2006
            • 18

            Re: Simple way to reproduce directory structure?

            Originally posted by Spoon
            You set the drive in the box above dynamic naming.
            Got it. Thanks

