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WAV to Apple Lossless Album Art and Track Number

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  • sassophono

    • Oct 2007
    • 2

    WAV to Apple Lossless Album Art and Track Number

    I'm converting from WAV files (originally ripped with Windows Media Player) to Apple Lossless. Album art came over when I ripped to WAV and is in the album folders.

    Other metadata had come over (i.e. track info) but does not seem to be readable by DBPowerAmp. However, the two leftmost characters of the filename are the track number.

    I would like to convert everything to Apple Lossless, bring over the album art, and the track numbers (not to mention fill in missing info such as year, composer, and other missing metadata).

    It seems like I should be able to get at least the existing album art and track numbers since they're part of the file name, but I can't seem to do this during conversion.

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks for your help.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: WAV to Apple Lossless Album Art and Track Number

    Is your album art stored as folder.jpg where the audio files are?


    • sassophono

      • Oct 2007
      • 2

      Re: WAV to Apple Lossless Album Art and Track Number

      Thanks for the prompt response.

      Yes, album art seems to be stored 4 times within the folder, including with the name folder.jpg. Other 3 jpgs are AlbumArtSmall.jpg, a copy of the larger folder.jpg with a unique album name such as AlbumArt_{952AA18E-7A55-4188-8225-CCFBCE0EE012}_Large.jpg and again as AlbumArt_{952AA18E-7A55-4188-8225-CCFBCE0EE012}_Small.jpg.

      Regarding the track number, I have tried using the ID Tag Map function to map from [grab]1,2,[origfilname] --> track number, but that didn't work.

      Thanks again for the help.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: WAV to Apple Lossless Album Art and Track Number

        Not sure I can help with Track Number, but R12 (of Music Converter) if you install the DSP pack (already installed with Reference), has 'ID Tag Processing', one of the options is to import folder.jpg, use this when converting.

