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Accurip and secure ripping to FLAC

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  • ned7077

    • Oct 2007
    • 7

    Accurip and secure ripping to FLAC

    Good afternoon,

    I am ripping CDs using 12.3 reference, but have had this scenario since starting to use 11.5. I have pass 1 setup to use accurip and pass 2 to rip again if accurip is not available for the CD inserted and I'm ripping to FLAC, although I used to rip to MP3 with the same situation. On a few CDs, I get inaccurate rips, but they are secure and they sound fine to me. If I do a complete re-rip, I get the same results. I have had this happen on a couple of different CD/DVD drives I have used to rip with.

    Here's an example:

    Information ripping to FLAC, 'Track 1' to 'C:\Converted Music\Taproot\2006 - Welcome\01 - Taproot - Mine.flac'
    Track 1: Ripped LBA 0 to 17182 (3:49) in 0:26. Filename: C:\Converted Music\Taproot\2006 - Welcome\01 - Taproot - Mine.flac
    AccurateRip: Inaccurate (confidence 26) Secure [Pass 1 & 2]
    CRC32: 13468F6A


    Keep up the good work. Great piece of software.
    Last edited by ned7077; October 29, 2007, 06:02 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: Accurip and secure ripping to FLAC

    If all the tracks are 'inaccurate' then AccurateRip possibly has a different pressing stored in the database (ie a different cd).


    • ned7077

      • Oct 2007
      • 7

      Re: Accurip and secure ripping to FLAC

      Is there any way to check that? Am I correct to assume that if a track is ripped securely I have an accurate rip, or is accurip the best way to assume that? Can I and should I be submitting those CDs to accurip, or will that just clutter the database with inaccurate information?
      Basically this is the third time ripping my 650+ CDs and I want to make sure it's my last. The first time I used CDEx at 2x many years ago, last time was to MP3, and this time since disk space is so cheap, FLAC.



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: Accurip and secure ripping to FLAC

        >Am I correct to assume that if a track is ripped securely I have an accurate rip

        It is a good assumption, but one that cannot be verified externally, like accuraterip does (there is a risk that a constant error is getting through). If your drive supports c2 errors quite well then I would trust it.

        Sure submit your rips, that is what AccurateRip is all about.

