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Joint Stereo - HQ?

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  • Mel Brando

    • Sep 2007
    • 13

    Joint Stereo - HQ?

    I purchased dBpowerAMP Reference. I am ripping in secure mode using Fraunhofer Joint Stereo, CBR 320, Hi Quality. It sounds great !


    Is dBpowerAmp using Joint M/S stereo ?

    Is the 2 channel stereo data HQ ?

    What does -b mean ? ( -b 320 -encoding= "High" )


    Elvert Brandao
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Joint Stereo - HQ?

    -b means bitrate.
    I believe, by default, dMC makes the files joint stereo, but you can always click advanced and specify joint stereo or normal stereo.
    What do you mean by HQ 2 stereo data?


    • neilthecellist
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Dec 2004
      • 1288

      Re: Joint Stereo - HQ?

      Out of curiosity, have you tried the LAME encoder yet? I heard that Fraunhofer does better at converting classical music or something.. I might be wrong, and because I have not posted any proof along with this post, you don't have to trust me


      • Mel Brando

        • Sep 2007
        • 13

        Re: Joint Stereo - HQ?

        [QUOTE=LtData]-b means bitrate.
        I believe, by default, dMC makes the files joint stereo, but you can always click advanced and specify joint stereo or normal stereo.

        Sorry, but I can not see the advanced tab for use with Fraunhofer.

        Please, I would like to create a Fraunhofer STEREO mp3 using dBpowerAMP Reference. Is this possible ? How ? I am a registered user.

        Thanks for your help !

        Elvert Brandao
        Rio de Janeiro - Brazil


        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: Joint Stereo - HQ?

          I apologize, I missed the part in your post about using Fraunhoefer. Apparently there isn't a way to make a stereo Fraunhoefer mp3.


          • Mel Brando

            • Sep 2007
            • 13

            Re: Joint Stereo - HQ?

            Originally posted by LtData
            I apologize, I missed the part in your post about using Fraunhoefer. Apparently there isn't a way to make a stereo Fraunhoefer mp3.

            Do you believe Channel Mapper and Channel Count can help creating a Fraunhofer Stereo MP3 ? I am not very much familiar with DSP.

            Thanks once again !



            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44825

              Re: Joint Stereo - HQ?

              No it is down to the codec.


              • Mel Brando

                • Sep 2007
                • 13

                Re: Joint Stereo - HQ?

                Originally posted by Spoon
                No it is down to the codec.
                Thank you for your reply.

                I am a registered user and I am using dbpoweramp Reference with Fraunhofer Joint Stereo at 320, Quality HI. As a professional pianist and DJ I simply love this method to produce a MP3. I am also very happy I can get composer tag ( extremely important to me) and Cover Art from the great AMG. When I compare the MP3 vs the original Cd, I still prefer the MP3, even with a very, very litte bit of reverb added ( This is what I feel with my Sony MDR-7506 headphones or my Yamaha HS50M Monitor speakers.

                As a DJ, I use a very serious professional DJing program, where the developer says that I should never use Joint Stereo because the left and right channels can never be reconstructed as they should. He also says that for the best audio quality compared to the CD and dynamics for live DJ Dance music use, I should only use Fraunhofer Stereo at 320 ( never Lame), and if possible I should use the Fraunhofer version because it was the best version made. I have this original version.

                Please, Spoon, I love both your softwre and my DJing software and would aprreciate some comments.

                Thank you !



                • Mel Brando

                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13

                  Re: Joint Stereo - HQ?

                  Originally posted by neilthecellist
                  Out of curiosity, have you tried the LAME encoder yet? I heard that Fraunhofer does better at converting classical music or something.. I might be wrong, and because I have not posted any proof along with this post, you don't have to trust me
                  I used EAC /Lame for a long time and I know that lot of people prefer Lame than Fraunhofer, but why Sound Forge, Wave Lab, Adobe Audition, Cubase and Pro-Tools use Fraunhofer ? These are professional tools !

                  Thanks for your post.



                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44825

                    Re: Joint Stereo - HQ?

                    >where the developer says that I should never use Joint Stereo because the left and right channels can never be reconstructed as they should

                    Perhaps, but also the savings that JS gives can be used to better store a 320kbps signal, ie there is more bits than if stereo is used.


                    • Mel Brando

                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13

                      Re: Joint Stereo - HQ?

                      [QUOTE=Mel Brando]

                      I am a registered user and I am using dbpoweramp Reference with Fraunhofer Joint Stereo at 320, Quality HI. As a professional pianist and DJ I simply love this method to produce a MP3. I am also very happy I can get composer tag ( extremely important to me) and Cover Art from the great AMG. When I compare the MP3 vs the original Cd, I still prefer the MP3, even with a very, very litte bit of reverb added ( This is what I feel with my Sony MDR-7506 headphones or my Yamaha HS50M Monitor speakers.

                      I apologize. There is no reverb added. I was not all flat. Itunes was with the enhancer on.


