Well sorry I don't know much about dBpowerAMP music converter but, currently I am using a program which grabs the flash files from youtube and then convert them into the songs, one problem though the size of the songs are about 7-10mb which is way too big, is there a way to shrink the files yet keep the quality?
Maybe Wrong Place?
Re: Maybe Wrong Place?
No, to shrink the files you must sacrifice quality. Now, that is not to say that all small files are junk, people can tolerate turning settings down to a point and each person reaches that point at different settings.
Now, what format and bitrate is the file? -
Re: Maybe Wrong Place?
Slayah, out of curiosity, may I ask:
What bitrate do you find "unappealing"? That is, say you were listening to the radio and you heard this cool song, and went on iTunes or some other media service and decided to download an mp3 of that song, but at like 128 kbps. Would you find the piece "tolerable" to your ear, or would you want something with a higher bitrate? (higher bitrate = better quality)Comment