First off, thank you so much for developing this masterpiece of a ripper. I have now for the very first time tried the trial out and was immidiately sold. The secure ripping routines + all the rest of the feature set is just hands down awesome. I have used EAC for many years, but i'm for sure going to switch over to only using your ripper instead.
Now, i have a few observations which i would really appreciate if you would take into consideration.
When ripping to FLAC, then the Vorbis Comments are set like this :
Title=Uebers Ende Der Welt
Artist=Tokio Hotel
Album=Zimmer 483
I know that Vorbis Comment keys are case-insensitive, but couldn't you please make the keys case-type consistent. I would preffer if the keys are defined as upper-case, since that is the way the keys are shown in the spec and also by most other apps because of this. There is also extra spaces in the DISCNUMBER tag, but instead of fixing that, then i would preffer if you did like fb2k and most other apps does :
and also :
In your ripper's current state, then e.g. fb2k can't parse any TOTALTRACKS or TOTALDISCS tags from tracks ripped with your app, since it can't relate to the format used(as it's a APEv2/MP3 format and not the defacto Vorbis Comment way of doing it. The Vorbis Comment spec. dosen't mention any "/xx" in their TRACKNUMBER or DISCNUMBER tags and that's why the extra tags TOTALTRACKS and TOTALDISCS is used instead in fb2k and other apps and that has then by know become the defacto way of doing it.
Another thing is that i would really love to have the option of using conditional tagging, just like is available with the file naming. What i mean is that i only want a DISCNUMBER tag if the album is multi-disc and not if it isn't, but i can't define that currently. If you could maybe make a check-box that said "Only if multi-disc" besides the "Disc" tag in the metadata options, then that would be awesome.
A small note is that why is there no "Album" tag available under the metadata options ? And even though there isn't, then the tag is still defined on each album ? Is this a bug or is there just something that i am missing here ???
Thank's in advance.
First off, thank you so much for developing this masterpiece of a ripper. I have now for the very first time tried the trial out and was immidiately sold. The secure ripping routines + all the rest of the feature set is just hands down awesome. I have used EAC for many years, but i'm for sure going to switch over to only using your ripper instead.
Now, i have a few observations which i would really appreciate if you would take into consideration.
When ripping to FLAC, then the Vorbis Comments are set like this :
Title=Uebers Ende Der Welt
Artist=Tokio Hotel
Album=Zimmer 483
I know that Vorbis Comment keys are case-insensitive, but couldn't you please make the keys case-type consistent. I would preffer if the keys are defined as upper-case, since that is the way the keys are shown in the spec and also by most other apps because of this. There is also extra spaces in the DISCNUMBER tag, but instead of fixing that, then i would preffer if you did like fb2k and most other apps does :
and also :
In your ripper's current state, then e.g. fb2k can't parse any TOTALTRACKS or TOTALDISCS tags from tracks ripped with your app, since it can't relate to the format used(as it's a APEv2/MP3 format and not the defacto Vorbis Comment way of doing it. The Vorbis Comment spec. dosen't mention any "/xx" in their TRACKNUMBER or DISCNUMBER tags and that's why the extra tags TOTALTRACKS and TOTALDISCS is used instead in fb2k and other apps and that has then by know become the defacto way of doing it.
Another thing is that i would really love to have the option of using conditional tagging, just like is available with the file naming. What i mean is that i only want a DISCNUMBER tag if the album is multi-disc and not if it isn't, but i can't define that currently. If you could maybe make a check-box that said "Only if multi-disc" besides the "Disc" tag in the metadata options, then that would be awesome.
A small note is that why is there no "Album" tag available under the metadata options ? And even though there isn't, then the tag is still defined on each album ? Is this a bug or is there just something that i am missing here ???
Thank's in advance.