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M4A not tagging properly

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  • Drunk247

    • Jan 2007
    • 4

    M4A not tagging properly

    I use dpoweramp to encode to Nero AAC and its been woking fine until I upgraded to the new Nero version. When its done encoding the tag info comes up in the dbpoweramp shell when you hover over the file but when you try to play em in Winamp, Foobar, iTunes, and WMP with (tag extender installed) there is no info in the tags. How do I fix this?.I never had a problem with the older version or does this have something to do with the new m4a release 6 in dbpoweramp?Because the Feb. codec of Nero Digital Audio (The one I was formerly using) displays tags in the above media players.

    Using Omni encoder the above apps can read tags but I prefer dbpoweramp cause of the multi cpu encoder and its way faster.

    Thanks for any help. I posted this on Hydrogenaudio too but have yet to have a reply.
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: M4A not tagging properly

    I believe the issue is that dMC writes a short "Nero" ID tag that identifies the encoder and then writes the rest of the tag as an "iTunes" tag. As for removing this tag, I am not sure entirely how to do this.

    Edit: same issue is mentioned in these threads: and

    Edit2: I just installed foobar2000 and converted a tagged mp3 file to m4a and foobar read all the tags no problem. Are you using the latest version of foobar,

    Edit 3: Could you take a screenshot of the meta-data that foobar does show? Note that you cannot upload jpg's to the forum, you have to load them elsewhere and then you can link to them from here.

    Edit4: Also, if you have a small file (<10MB), I will PM you my e-mail address so you can e-mail me one problem file so that I can try to figure out if there is an easy fix for this problem or not.
    Last edited by LtData; August 17, 2007, 02:02 AM.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44633

      Re: M4A not tagging properly

      A new Nero encoder was released the other day, there might be an issue with it and dbpoweramp (Foobar has never been able to read the tags, but iTunes should always be able to).

      Will run some tests.


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: M4A not tagging properly

        I hadn't realized there was a new version of Nero, retrying my tests:
        Confirmed, foobar shows no tags whatsoever. Do note, Spoon, that the previous version of the Nero encoder, I believe, was able to write tags foobar was able to read. using the "neroAACTag.exe" it only showed the Nero "tool" tag.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44633

          Re: M4A not tagging properly

          Now fixed:

          Tagging update, compatibility fix with latest Nero encoder (previous versions would not detect the Nero tag and other players would not read the dBpoweramp written tag). Tagging also now compatible with foobar 2K. Download: &lt;released&gt; 1MB


          • Drunk247

            • Jan 2007
            • 4

            Re: M4A not tagging properly

            very sweet.thanks a bunch

