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Ultra Secure settings

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  • trtlrock

    • Jul 2007
    • 33

    Ultra Secure settings

    Hi again.

    OK. I've experimented with various Secure & Ultra Secure settings.

    Here are my conclusions & questions:

    1) Despite dMC stating that my drive supports C2 error pointers (see below), I have fed in numerous discs that are scratched to some degree, and dMC never detects the C2 errors. When ripping a CD, if I check-box the C2 error pointers for error detection, whatever CD I'm ripping finishes in about a minute & each track is only about 30k large...there is no info there at all. Complete gibberish. wtf?

    Conclusion? My drive really DOES NOT support C2 error detection, so the C2 option is useless to me. Please confirm this if true. If, OTOH, you think I am incorrectly going about this please explain so I can take advantage of this theoretical C2 capability.

    Manufacturer: TSSTcorp
    CD Drive: DVD-ROM TS-H352C
    Firmware: DE02
    Maximum Speed: 5645 KB/sec (x32)
    Current Speed: 5645 KB/sec (x32)
    Spin-down After: 4 minutes
    Buffer Size: 256 KB
    Accurate Stream: Yes
    C2 Error Pointers: Yes
    Reads ISRC: Yes
    Reads UPC: Yes

    2) I want the most accurate, secure rips possible. Therefore, I have been using Secure instead of Burst, and enabling the Ultra Secure Ripping mode. I have been using the Minimum-3, Maximum-6, End After-2 passes settings as per dMC instructions for a drive with no or poor C2 support...

    "Drive does not support c2 enable Ultra Secure with Minimum 3, Maximum 6 and End after 2."

    Here is what has been happening...

    a) when the CD is in AR then I get Pass#1 & then straight to encode. I understand this...makes sense.

    b) when the CD is NOT in AR I get Pass#1, Pass#2, Ultra#1, Ultra#2, Ultra#3, then to encode. Why 5 passes total? This seems to take a LOT of extra time. Why is the mimimum set to 3 if the end-after is set to 2? Aren't the 3 Ultra passes comparing themselves to the 2 earlier Passes?

    In other words, what settings can I use to decrease the amount of time it takes each CD to rip, but still guarantee that I have an accurate rip?

    Please advise, so I can finalize my settings & workflow...

    Thanks, John
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: Ultra Secure settings

    >Despite dMC stating that my drive supports C2 error pointers (see below),
    >C2 Error Pointers: Yes

    That is actually your drive which is reporting it supports c2, but as you have found, by actually testing for c2 it never returns the result from c2.

    End after applies to clean passes, so the minimum you could have would be:

    Pass#1, Pass#2, Ultra#1, Ultra#2

    If it goes onto ultra 3 it is because it found an error not previously detected on another pass.


    • trtlrock

      • Jul 2007
      • 33

      Re: Ultra Secure settings

      Originally posted by trtlrock
      In other words, what settings can I use to decrease the amount of time it takes each CD to rip, but still guarantee that I have an accurate rip?
      Thanks Spoon...but can you elaborate on the above a little bit more?



      • bhoar
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Sep 2006
        • 1173

        Re: Ultra Secure settings

        How is the optical drive connected?



        • trtlrock

          • Jul 2007
          • 33

          Re: Ultra Secure settings

          Originally posted by trtlrock
          I have been using Secure instead of Burst, and enabling the Ultra Secure Ripping mode. I have been using the Minimum-3, Maximum-6, End After-2 passes settings as per dMC instructions for a drive with no or poor C2 support...

          when the CD is NOT in AR I get Pass#1, Pass#2, Ultra#1, Ultra#2, Ultra#3...Why 5 passes total? This seems to take a LOT of extra time...Aren't the 3 Ultra passes comparing themselves to the 2 earlier Passes?
          OK, maybe I'm being dense, but I don't think my question is that cryptic. And I don't think the 3rd Ultra Pass is happening ONLY when an error that wasn't caught earlier is suddenly seen -- I get the 5 passes as described above on EVERY CD I rip.

          What I am trying to determine is (assuming CD is not in AR) whether I'm needlessly activating extra passes with the 3/6/2 settings in Ultra Secure?

          BTW the drive is an internal Dell drive...


          • Teknojnky
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Dec 2006
            • 323

            Re: Ultra Secure settings

            With secure mode you will always get 2 passes when a disc is not in accurate rip.

            This is similar to burst and compare type thing on EAC.

            Now I also find the min, max, end after #, confusing.

            What I understand of it is: (not in AR)

            pass 1
            pass 2 (checked/compared on pass 1)

            Ultra 1 (not sure what this compares to)
            Ultra 2 (not sure what this compares to)
            Ultra 3 thru Ultra 6 (not sure what this compares to)

            Unitl eventually you get the bad frame re-rips.

            A few different situations can occur:
            - you have c2 pointers enabled and the drive picks up some errors
            - any of the rips do not match previous rip (not sure if only last rip, or all rips are checked)
            - no errors detected, all rips CRC the same

            What I still don't understand is how/what/why the ultra passes work together (with or without the original passes).

            And yes I've read the article @ numerous times.


            • trtlrock

              • Jul 2007
              • 33

              Re: Ultra Secure settings

              Originally posted by trtlrock
              when the CD is NOT in AR I get Pass#1, Pass#2, Ultra#1, Ultra#2, Ultra#3, then to encode. Why 5 passes total?

              If the goal is 2 successful CRC rips in a row:

              a) what are the 1st 2 passes doing? They are not the Ultra Secure, and (since the CD is not in AR) they shouldn't have anything to do with AR. Seems like dMC is ignoring these 2 passes but chewing up another 5-6 minutes by implementing them...

              b) why set a minimum of 3 (in the 3/6/2)? If Ultra #1 & Ultra #2 get identical CRC's why bother with pass #3?

              If I'm wasting (or dMC is wasting) 5-6 minutes per rip, multiplied by about 1500-2000 CDs to rip; well then, I wanna know! :smile2:

              I, too, have re-read this ( numerous times, but, frankly, it's unclear how these 5 passes work together (or not). I'm obviously impressed with the product or I wouldn't invest the time to try to fully understand & tweak it...

              Sorry for the relentless questions. But I figure once you start charging $28 the end-user is entitled to reasonably detailed & patient tech support.


              • anleva

                • Jul 2007
                • 38

                Re: Ultra Secure settings

                Was trtlrock's question ever answered? I too am interested in more information as the answer will help me better understand what is happening in secure mode and how to optimize.


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44840

                  Re: Ultra Secure settings

                  sorry trtlock, you message as overlooked.

                  >Seems like dMC is ignoring these 2 passes but chewing up another 5-6 minutes by implementing them...

                  The first two passes are to identify most errors, if your drive supports c2 then the 2nd pass is not done as the program uses c2 to detect the errors. Note it is not a final, just to detect most errors, the ultra passes are there to detect the difficult ones.

                  >If Ultra #1 & Ultra #2 get identical CRC's why bother with pass #3?

                  Some errors off a drive are constant errors, having a constant CRC means nothing. n my testing, some drives could detect errors better if the drive speed was varied.

                  In short, if you are serious about CD ripping, get a drive which supports c2 well and your ripping results through Reference will be much better.


                  • trtlrock

                    • Jul 2007
                    • 33

                    Re: Ultra Secure settings

                    thanks for the reply...

