I made a several posts around the web looking for a component to get MP3 tags. I got a response and was directed by a developer to a component that acutally works.
You can find the component at http://infinitemonkeys.atrax.co.uk/ .
I have tested the component within Visual Basic 6 and it works very well and most importantly has a small foot print.
If you are going to give it a try and need it to do something I suggest you contact the developer. He is more than willing to add functionality to it and he expressed some interest in making it work on WMA files as well.
You can find the component at http://infinitemonkeys.atrax.co.uk/ .
I have tested the component within Visual Basic 6 and it works very well and most importantly has a small foot print.
If you are going to give it a try and need it to do something I suggest you contact the developer. He is more than willing to add functionality to it and he expressed some interest in making it work on WMA files as well.