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Audio CD input not seeing correct drive letters

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  • jpwilk

    • Nov 2002
    • 3

    Audio CD input not seeing correct drive letters

    Installed the latest dMC on my Win98 system.

    I have hard disks set up as C, D and E.
    I run Virtual CDROM with drives F, G and H.
    My real CD drives are on W and Y.

    The Audio CD Input will not see the CD drives correctly.
    It see's the correct drive types as Yamaha CRW2200E and Pioneer DVD-ROM but shows them as drives F and G instead of W and Y.

    I ran ATPIDriveLister.exe which gives me these results -
    Adaptor 0, Target 0, Lun 0, SCSI Type: Disk, ASPI Type: Disk [IBM-DJNA - -371350 ]
    Adaptor 1, Target 0, Lun 0, SCSI Type: Disk, ASPI Type: Disk [Maxtor 8 - 7000D8 ]
    Adaptor 2, Target 0, Lun 0, SCSI Type: CDROM, ASPI Type: CDROM [YAMAHA - CRW2200E ]
    Adaptor 3, Target 0, Lun 0, SCSI Type: CDROM, ASPI Type: CDROM [PIONEER - DVD-ROM DVD-114 ]

    The version checker program says all is OK with ASPI version 4.60 installed.

    Any ideas why this is?
  • jpwilk

    • Nov 2002
    • 3

    Correction -
    oddly, I had a cd in a drive with the Audio CD Input open (hadn't been able to get it to read the drive up to this point) when I went on line to write my first post. It must have triggered a connection to the Freedb site as it suddenly showed the track listing for the cd. It has worked ever since whether on or off line. Mind you, the drive letters are still incorrect in the Options screen.

    Do have another problem though. It looks similar to another post I read.
    Using the right-click/ Convert thru' Explorer doesn't work on a cd track. I get the message -

    The CODEC required to decompress 'Y:\Track01.cda' could not be opened.
    Unable to access CD Drive 'Y:\Track01.cda'

    This is the same cd that I was able to read and get a track listing of using Audio CD Input. (Audio CD Input is closed when I try the above method of converting)

    Any thoughts on this one?
    Last edited by jpwilk; November 24, 2002, 05:13 AM.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      It is a limitaion of ASPI, in which you cannot accruately get a real drive letter for a CD drive. The way to fix it is to assign the normal CD drives so they appear before the virtual ones, also in the same order the bios detects them.


      • jpwilk

        • Nov 2002
        • 3

        Thanks Spoon.
        Luckily, not too much of a limitation as I can use the Audio CD Input now.
        Must admit that I love the Auxiliary Input feature. I'm doing an ongoing project to transfer all my audio cassettes to CD and this feature is saving me a lot of time. Previously, I would record using Cool Edit but then have to tediously find, select, cut and paste each track. Auxiliary Input does all this for me and works like a charm!


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44825

          Glad to hear it normally I write such things as Aux Input, but only ever hear when it does not after awhile you get paranoid thinking it must not work for anyone.

