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Arrggghhh - Same track multiple times

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  • Wes

    • Nov 2002
    • 5

    Arrggghhh - Same track multiple times

    After reading the HELP files, perusing the FORUM & trying four times to rip Stevie Ray Vaughn's Greatest Hits onto my computer's hard drive, I figured the time had arrived to ask another question.

    Using the Music Conveter - Audio CD Input program, all of the tracks were displayed. The magically entered relevant titles of all eleven tracks. From the Ripping options, mp3 was chosen. About 46 minutes after each recording session ended the progress bar box announced successful completion.

    I ended-up with eleven tracks, each 4':16", of track #eleven.

    I'm a hardcore fan of Vaughn's, but a single CD of _Life Without You_ over & over & over again is a bit much.

    Music Converter doesn't offer the same options as Auxillary Input to record a specific number of tracks.

    How do I solve this puzzle & rip the CD in the Music Converter program (convert to mp3) so that all tracks are recorded ?

    - Wes
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Go onto Options >> and for File arrangement, make sure it is [Artist] - [Track]


    • Wes

      • Nov 2002
      • 5

      Arrggghhh - Same track multiple times (2)

      Thank you for your reply, Spoon.

      Tried your suggestion, but I got the same result:
      multiple copies of the CD's last track.

      Here's the steps I used with dMC - Audio CD Input:
      1) Start>>Programs>>dBpowerAMP Music Converter>>
      dMC Audio CD Input
      2) Insert audio CD
      3) Tracks appear
      4) Menu Bar - Left-click: Rip Options>>Rip to MP3 (LAME)
      5) Menu Bar - Left-click: Rip with Options ('button right click')

      ...what exactly does 'button right click' mean/do ?

      6) Box appears: Encoding 'CD'>>Bit Rate:192 Kbps>> 44100Hz>>Output to Folder:C:\Converted Music>> check Preserve ID Tags>>close...return to Music Converter window
      7) Menu Bar - Left-click: Rip Options>>Compression Settings:Stereo>>Frequency:44100Hz>> Advanced Options>> Preset Quality>>CD>>Set Bits>>Original>>OK

      ...What is 'Write CRC Checksums' ?

      8) Menu Bar - Left-click: Power Pack Options>> Write:m3u>> Playlist to C:\Converted Music>>Playlist Creation:[artist]-[track]>>Rip to RAM Use 128MB Maximum>> Rip & Encode at Same Time>>OK

      ...Do I highlight the word 'artist' & the word 'track' in the fields
      [artist]-[track] & manually inset artist name & track title, or do
      these also get magically entered as in the freedb operation ?
      I left it alone hoping for magic.

      I'm running Norton 2002 Anti-Virus in the background. Does this interfere with dBpowerAMP ? i.e., do I need to disable it to rip CD's or record from line-in or streaming net radio ?

      Other suggestions ?

      - Wes


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        >...what exactly does 'button right click' mean/do ?

        Means you get the same result if you right click on the main Rip button.

        >...What is 'Write CRC Checksums' ?

        Just one of the options for mp3 files.

        It should fill in the names magically. Leave it on Artist and Track, do your Rip with Options, then click the 'Rename' button, that will tell you for reference where the files are going and their names. Does it look allright? (no need to type the names)


        • Wes

          • Nov 2002
          • 5

          Arrggghhh - Same track multiple times (3)

          Well, no, it doesn't look alright...the file/track names were not automatically typed in. What appeared for each was: C:\Converted Music\(artist)\(album).mp3 for all tracks.

          Per your instruction, I left [artist]-[track]. In renaming each track I retained the .mp3 extension. But next session got the same 'multiple' result.

          Next, I tried two different settings in the Power Pack Box: changed 'Write' to .pls (rather than m3u) & then set Playlist Creation with Filename Elements [artist] & [track] (rather than the Predefined [artist]-[track]).

          Same result.

          Not one to give-up easily, I bagged the dMC audio CD Input (CdGrab.exe) & tried the Music Converter approach (MusicConverter.exe) highlighting all of the tracks from the CD-ROM drive's directory. When the Power Pack Box opened, I still had to Rename each file/track, but eventually they were converted as .mp3 files.

          I'm happy about the mp3 conversion, but I would still prefer to use the CD Input method as it was intended to be used.


          1) Do you suppose the computer's 400MHz chip is too slow to take advantage of the Audio CD Input program's design ?

          2) In another post, someone mentioned cleaning/repairing the registry files. I've run Norton's WinDoctor & DiskDoctor & supposedly 'fixed' what it found that needed repairing. Is/are there (an)other program(s) you would recommend to 'clean' the registry files ?

          3) Would you recommend Uninstalling the whole program, Downloading again, & Reinstalling a new download ? If so, from what URL ?

          Thank you,
          - Wes


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            It looks a little messed up, follow this to reset it:

            Quit all dMC programs
            Start >> Run, type
            browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Illustrate

            delete the key (folder) 'dbpoweramp'


            • Wes

              • Nov 2002
              • 5

              Arrggghhh - Same track multiple times (4)

              OK. Did it. Now, DMC Audio CD Input won't recognize that a music CD has been 'inserted.'

              I'm ready to re-install dBpowerAMP. I've read - I think at the website or in the help files - that an updated version just needs to be installed over the existing one. Does that hold true in this case or should I uninstall the program & start fresh ?

              Prior to working with DMC I had WinAMP 3 installed (I prefer it to WMP). Might there be a conflict with it such that I need to uninstall it ?


              - Wes


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44825

                It is quite a saga this Audio CD Input, click Options and select the right CD drive.

