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More difficult version of "no popup info tips"

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  • wifiguy

    • Jul 2005
    • 28

    More difficult version of "no popup info tips"

    I don't think this is going to be as easy as you may think it will be. I've tried the solutions proposed in other postings about this problem and they haven't worked. :(

    I've been using dMC on a W2K machine; first r11 starting in August 2005 and then r11.5 since January 2006. Popup info tips has, of course, been one of the cool dMC features I've enjoyed during this time. Unfortunately, it has suddenly stopped working.

    I can't say how many times I've uninstalled and reinstalled dMC and dbpowerAmp. Sometimes I've deleted the Illustrate folder in C:\Program Files before reinstalling dMC. No joy.

    I have to restart after installing r11.5 on top of r11. I already have the problem of Popup info tips not working as soon as I install r11.

    Sometimes my cursor will still change to Working in Background for a moment as I pass it over an MP3 file in Explorer, but no popup appears. In the past, it would always change to Working in Background just before Popup Info Tips would display the tag/file information for a music file.

    I've unchecked and rechecked the “Show pop-up description for folder and desktop items” box in Explorer Tools-Folder Options-View, sometimes restarting my PC after each uncheck of the box and recheck of the box, always clicking the Apply button for each change. No joy.

    While I've had dMC installed, I've unchecked ALL the boxes in the dbpowerAmp Settings panel, not just the Popup Info Tips check box, restarted my PC, checked all the boxes in the dbpowerAmp Settings panel and restarted my PC again. No joy.

    Following the Advanced Tip in the “dMC Windows Explorer Integration” page in the dMC HTML Help file, I created a String Value called dBPopup in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Illustrate\dBpowerAMP using regedit, then copied and pasted the value suggested in the Help file into the new String Value. No joy.

    Thinking that one or more of the self-extracting EXE files might have become corrupt, I used windiff from W2K Support Tools to do a binary compare of dMC-r11-Registered.exe,
    dMC-r11.5-Registered.exe and dBpowerAMP-r2.exe with backup copies I stashed on an external hard drive in June 2006. All my self-extracting EXE files were identical to my backup copies. No joy.

    When I look in the C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpowerAMP folder, here are some of the files I see:

    SIZE....................FILE NAME

    When I copy the dMC configuration to the clipboard, here's some of what I see:

    Version Information
    dBpowerAMP Music Converter: Release 11.5
    Power Pack & Mp3 License: [ Registered: Yes ]
    dBpowerAMP Audio Player

    ===Shell Integration===
    Convert To (right click): On
    Edit Tag (right click): On
    Popup information Tips: On
    Explorer ID Tag Property Page: On
    Explorer Columns: On

    I even removed a certain Windows component called “Windows Media Player” using the W2K control panel, just hoping beyond hope that that would fix things. No joy.

    Well, that's about it. Any ideas?

    Thanks for reading,
    Popup-less wifiguy :cry:
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: More difficult version of "no popup info tips"

    Did you try a total uninstall, including some registry cleaning, as described here: ?

    If that doesn't work, there's one more idea I have that might work, but no guarantees.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44840

      Re: More difficult version of "no popup info tips"

      Have you tried R12? that contains fixes for R11.5 on adding popup info tips.


      • wifiguy

        • Jul 2005
        • 28

        Re: More difficult version of "no popup info tips"

        No joy, almost.

        I only had dMC installed, no codecs and no dAP. Nothing else from Illustrate either.

        I uninstalled dMC for the umpteenth time and had to restart my PC to complete the uninstall. I then deleted the key 'dbpowerAmp' from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Illustrate and once again deleted the folder 'dbpowerAmp' from C:\Program Files\Illustrate.

        I only installed dMC-r11-Registered and found immediately that I didn't get any popups for MP3s; no point in going any further. The “Show pop-up description for folder and desktop items” box in Explorer Tools-Folder Options-View is checked.

        What's interesting to me is that when I hover my mouse over an MP3 file in Explorer, my cursor changes to Working in Background. I don't know the innards of dMC, but it kind of makes me think that the tag/file information IS being extracted but then it isn't displayed in a popup.

        As a further exercise, I uninstalled dMC, complete with a restart, then deleted the dbpowerAmp registry key and dbpowerAmp folder. This time I restarted my PC before installing dMC yet again, but that made no difference. My cursor changed to Working in Background but I didn't get the popup for an MP3 file.

        This went on for 2 weeks or so. Then, out of the blue, I got a dMC popup info tip about an MP3 file. Since I wasn't expecting it, I moved my mouse and it disappeared. I thought it must have been something else. I couldn't and still can't repeat getting a dMC popup info tip; most of the time my cursor just changes to Working in Background but no dMC popup info tip appears. I have gotten a dMC popup info tip 4 or 5 times now; one of those times I held my mouse still and there, lo and behold, was a dMC popup info tip with “dbPoweramp” at the bottom.

        Latest discovery as I “go to press”: If I open the On Screen Mini Control in dAP and show the track name, I ALWAYS get a Popup info tip for the track that's playing.

        So what is your last best suggestion for restoring my missing popups? Am I way off in assuming that the tag/file info is being extracted but not displayed in a popup?

        Major Malfunction,
        aka practically popup-less wifiguy


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44840

          Re: More difficult version of "no popup info tips"

          Install R12, we have added much new code to fix popup problems...


          • wifiguy

            • Jul 2005
            • 28

            Re: More difficult version of "no popup info tips"

            I didn't have any popup problems for 2 years. I'll get R12 when I get a newer PC, but why replace something that worked problem-free for 2 years? Looking at the forums, R12 is hardly problem-free.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44840

              Re: More difficult version of "no popup info tips"

              You could say that about R11.5, or R11, code wise there are much more issues with R11 and before, each new release builds on the last release...


              • ChristinaS
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Apr 2004
                • 4097

                Re: More difficult version of "no popup info tips"

                Do you have any firewall, anti-virus, pop-up blocker?


                • wifiguy

                  • Jul 2005
                  • 28

                  Re: More difficult version of "no popup info tips"

                  No firewall yet--never had one either. No pop-up blocker. I installed AVG Free long after I started having this problem.

                  When I get a new PC later this year, I'll buy R12 for it. I treat dbPoweramp as a single CPU license because I respect all the work that's gone into it.

                  Guess I'm more into solving problems than fleeing them. It's a good thing downloaded software doesn't go to landfills when it's discarded.


                  • wifiguy

                    • Jul 2005
                    • 28

                    Re: More difficult version of "no popup info tips"

                    Last edited by wifiguy; July 28, 2007, 03:15 PM. Reason: wrong forum; this was for Firefox!

