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[IFCOMP] problems

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  • markeh

    • Apr 2007
    • 45

    [IFCOMP] problems

    I am trying to get albums with multiple composers to use the album title as the highest level in the file structure.

    The string I am using is:

    [IFCOMP][album][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]composer,[tag]composer[],unknown_composer[][]\[album]\[IFMULTI]disc [disc]-[]track [track]-[title]-[album artist]

    (no, this isn't finished- I will probably eliminate the second album reference.)

    When I do the test case in the dialog, it seems to work OK - maybe I'm wrong, since I don't listen to Madonna :smile2:

    But the first part of the name (after the IFCOMP) is never used, no matter whether the "compilation" switch is checked or now.

    I even tried some tests, using [IFCOMP]XXX[], and putting the same thing at the end of the track name. All ignored.

    What am I doing wrong?? Does the switch really control this? Or does the compilation tag need to be set somewhere else??

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: [IFCOMP] problems

    Using the multi encoder, or ripping direct from CD ripper?


    • markeh

      • Apr 2007
      • 45

      Re: [IFCOMP] problems

      Ripping a CD. The "compilation" switch seems to be ignored.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: [IFCOMP] problems

        What happens if you click the default and use the default naming, does compilation work then?


        • markeh

          • Apr 2007
          • 45

          Re: [IFCOMP] problems

          Originally posted by Spoon
          What happens if you click the default and use the default naming, does compilation work then?
          No. Using the default naming string, the compilation switch seems to make no difference.

          These are classical albums. The default string causes a new directory is set up, with the tracks listed in it. In this case, the new directory is named for Album Artist (which is conductor - filled in by the AMG database). Then individual tracks, with track names of:

          artist - album title - trk number - track name

          Interestingly, the album field is cut off. The AMG database lists the orchestra, followed by a ";" then more details. Everything following the ; is left off in the track title. However the album title is complete, with the ; and everything following.

          Whether the switch is on or off, the compilation = 1 tag is not listed in the mp3 tag section.


          • markeh

            • Apr 2007
            • 45

            Re: [IFCOMP] problems

            I guess to be complete, I should add the following information:

            dBpoweramp Music Converter
            Release 12.1
            Registration Status
            Reference: Registered
            All Media Guide: 351 Days Access Remaining


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44825

              Re: [IFCOMP] problems

              CD Ripper >> Options >> ID Tag Options

              do you have compilation checked there?


              • markeh

                • Apr 2007
                • 45

                Re: [IFCOMP] problems

                Well, no it wasn't checked.

                (I must say that you don't give users much of a sporting chance. That option is buried quite deep, not something I would think that I need to look at)

                In any case, its checked now, and it hasn't made a difference.

                A few questions -

                - Should checking the "compilation" switch make a tag show up in the ID-Meta section? If doesn't.

                -Should checking the compilation switch make a compilation tag show up in the file properties page? Or the "Edit ID-tag page"? It doesn't.

                I'm sure this is my error, but I don't know what to do, and I would like to use the product.


