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Various Artists

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  • firecat

    • Jun 2007
    • 13

    Various Artists

    I imagine this has been asked before, so I apologize in advance, but I could not find the answer. On compilations, I want the parent folder to be "Multiple artists CD", then the CD name as the folder itself. I'd like to tag the flac files with both song name and artist, with the file itself being track number-artist-song name.

    Is this possible? If so, would someone be so kind as to help me out?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44824

    Re: Various Artists

    >like to tag the flac files with both song name and artist

    You only want 2 tags in the flac file?


    • LtData
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 8288

      Re: Various Artists

      Paste your current naming convention and we will modify it as you want it.


      • firecat

        • Jun 2007
        • 13

        Re: Various Artists

        Spoon, sorry, I misspoke. I didn't mean I wanted only 2 tags, I meant I wanted the artist as it shows in dbpoweramp *before* I change the artist from <various artist> (Hope that is understandable!

        Path shows as: D:\Music1\[artist]\[album]
        Naming shows as: [track]-[title]

        What I am getting currently when the album is a compilation is each song being put in an artist folder, with the album name below that. Again, for a compilation only, I would like the album name under "Multiple artists CD" and the track name to include artist and song. If that's not possible, the track and song would be ok, if I can get the artist tag.

        Fairly new to this, so please forgive the inarticulation


        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: Various Artists

          You are referring to ripping compilation CDs, correct? What is the naming scheme, the [IFCOMP] scheme.


          • firecat

            • Jun 2007
            • 13

            Re: Various Artists

            Yes, I'm referring to ripping compilation CDs, but I'm sorry, I'm not seeing anything that looks like an [IFCOMP] scheme in the interface. I think I should dig in a little more, as the terminology is foreign to me.


            • LtData
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • May 2004
              • 8288

              Re: Various Artists

              The CD ripper naming scheme includes some odd-looking things, such as [IFCOMP] and such, in the default naming scheme. You might have accidentally deleted this. However, if you paste the naming scheme as it is typed into the "Set File Naming" window, we can add the needed items to make your compilation CDs go where you want them.

              I believe your naming scheme currently looks like this:
              [artist]\[album]\[track] - [title]
              And I believe what you want is this:
              [IFCOMP]Multiple Artist CDs\[album]\[track] - [artist] - [title][][IF!COMP][artist]\[album]\[track] - [title][]
              Paste this into the Set Naming window and make sure the examples match what you want.


              • firecat

                • Jun 2007
                • 13

                Re: Various Artists

                Well, despite my inability to convey what I was looking for in any sensible way - you nailed it! Thanks much - on to the real task at hand now.

