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LAME 3.97 Conversion Differences

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  • saulniers

    • Jul 2005
    • 4

    LAME 3.97 Conversion Differences

    When I convert a wav file using the internal LAME 3.97 codec in dbpowerAMP, and then convert the same file using an external LAME 3.97 codec the output file properties are different. For example the result for a file, using the bit compare utility in foobar 2000 reads as follows:

    Differences found: 1915822 sample(s), starting at 5.0562132 second(s), peak: 0.0148972 at 49.6118364 seconds, 2ch

    I'm trying to determine what would cause this difference in file conversions occurs and how important it is. I downloaded the external LAME 3.97 codec from
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: LAME 3.97 Conversion Differences

    I believe other users have tested this and the difference are either due to tagging difference or flags used by intenal dMC and not used in the external LAME encoder.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44840

      Re: LAME 3.97 Conversion Differences

      and the floating point roundings, the differences are inaudible. (lame is a floating point encoder, with different compiles of lame give different outputs - who is to say our Microsoft compile is wrong, and an ICL compile is right)...

