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neroAacEnc_SSE2.exe & apple lossless

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  • willyhoops
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Mar 2007
    • 63

    neroAacEnc_SSE2.exe & apple lossless

    Oh the encoder download page it says that dbpoweramp is using the nero encoder (eg neroAacEnc_SSE2.exe) for aac & apple lossless.
    but i can't see any command line options in 'neroAacEnc_SSE2.exe -help' for doing apple lossless. sorry but can someone tell me the command line option to get apple lossless encoding to work. or tell me which tool dbpoweramp is using. need this for something...

    many thanks...
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: neroAacEnc_SSE2.exe & apple lossless

    ALAC encoding is not done via the Nero encoder, dMC does that via the "Apple Lossless" DLL, I believe.

    Are you wanting the command-line option to have dMC encode to ALAC?


    • willyhoops
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Mar 2007
      • 63

      Re: neroAacEnc_SSE2.exe & apple lossless

      I need to setup a little vba program that does some apple lossless conversion. So I would really appreciate it if someone knows an executable like neroAacEnc_SSE2.exe for apple lossless encoding.

      Yes I see Apple Lossless.dll now. But that is probably a wrapper on an open source command line apple lossless encoder?
      Last edited by willyhoops; April 26, 2007, 05:08 PM.


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: neroAacEnc_SSE2.exe & apple lossless

        I believe it is an ALAC encoder that somebody wrote that Spoon is using and, as far as I know, is the only encoder for ALAC besides iTunes. Also, I am pretty sure that is not open-source, but I can't say that for sure.

        dMC can be scripted to encode to a specified format. See here for some more information: Note that you must have a license for dBpoweramp Reference for each machine that you plan to use scripting on. Also, please use the trial to make sure that it works to your satisfaction before purchasing, as there are no refunds once you purchase the registered version and download it.
        Last edited by LtData; April 26, 2007, 06:22 PM.


        • willyhoops
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Mar 2007
          • 63

          Re: neroAacEnc_SSE2.exe & apple lossless

          Ah I have been reading about how David Hammerton reverse engineered the apple lossless and released the source code for a decoder called alac.exe. And I see Spoon mentions him on the page:

          C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\Help\Codec\mp4\ m

          So Spoon has got the source code for the alac encoder from David Hammerton and has used it inside his build of "Apple Lossless.dll".

          Can he put a link to where he got that from please? I have lost hours on Google trying to find it and it only right you put a link to the source if you include it in your project.

          Thanks, William
          Last edited by willyhoops; April 27, 2007, 09:33 AM.


          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: neroAacEnc_SSE2.exe & apple lossless

            Fourth google result of "David Hammerton":


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44825

              Re: neroAacEnc_SSE2.exe & apple lossless

              I signed an NDA which prohibits me saying where it came from. You can control dBpoweramp Reference from the command line, or even com scripting.


              • willyhoops
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Mar 2007
                • 63

                Re: neroAacEnc_SSE2.exe & apple lossless

                ok thanks .. i get it so there are no encoders for apple lossless going free (only decoders). ah well such is life.

                i was annoyed by the lack of album art and the difficult interface so i wanted to add apple lossless conversion from flac to my exceltagger project. i won't worry now. Anway, any more than 256kbps aac on an ipod is i guess nothing more than a waste of battery life anyway.

                it's actually really easy anyway to write a script to add album art to dbpoweramp produced m4a files using the nero tagging tool command line tool as long as one has a modicum of programming skills.
                Last edited by willyhoops; April 27, 2007, 01:00 PM.

