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DC BIAS adjust on convert ?

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  • dbpower44100

    • Nov 2006
    • 30

    DC BIAS adjust on convert ?

    Did run into the following problem.
    Was handed out some flac files recently, and tried to convert them into mp3
    using dbpoweramp.
    I also tend to strip leading and trailing silence which works ok as long as the
    input is accurate.
    I ended up with mp3s which did stop pretty abrupt so I tried to dig into it,
    played with the -db values in the trim silence plugin and finally did a more
    aggressive search why this happens.

    I finally found out that DC BIAS of the flac (aswell as if converted to wav) was up to 1% wrong.

    Thus ... is there any chance to see a DC BIAS adjust plugin sooner or later ?
    Or will the trim silence plugin take DC BIAS offsets into account ? Since at current it looks as if it simply trims anything below the given dB settings not taking a BIAS offset into account which results in still having hearable audio content but it trims it away.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: DC BIAS adjust on convert ?

    Trim silence will not know about the dc bias. It is unlikely an effect would quickly appear.


    • dbpower44100

      • Nov 2006
      • 30

      Re: DC BIAS adjust on convert ?

      Well one can't expect everything ;-) thanks for lettin' me know.

      It's as always ... the poorest item defines the quality of the result, means if one isn't able to rip propperly, the result isn't ideal.

      Must reserve some extra time then before going onto the re-encoding stage.

      Any idea if something such as DC BIAS support will pop up for the long term ? r13 perhaps ?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: DC BIAS adjust on convert ?


