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RAW CD TOC and ISRC Flac Tags Not Being Saved

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  • randym

    • Jan 2007
    • 36

    RAW CD TOC and ISRC Flac Tags Not Being Saved

    My tag options ask to save the CDDB Disc ID, the RAW CD TOC, the ISRC, and the UPC. Of these, only the CDDB Disc ID and the UPC shows up in the tags. I checked the tags with MP3Tag and the tag info that shows with putting the cursor over the file name in windows explorer (I think DBpoweramp drives that).

    I can imagine that AMG might not have the ISRC, but the CD TOC is taken directly from the CD, right?

  • Launfal

    • May 2005
    • 12

    Re: RAW CD TOC and ISRC Flac Tags Not Being Saved

    On a similar note, I added Conductor as a tag to be written to FLAC files, and even though I selected it in options, it's not being written to the file, either.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      Re: RAW CD TOC and ISRC Flac Tags Not Being Saved

      THe RAW TOC cannot be saved to a FLAC tag as there is no where to put it (flac does not support it).

      Conductor could be saved, are you sure it is shown on the screen? ie there is a conductor from AMG?


      • Launfal

        • May 2005
        • 12

        Re: RAW CD TOC and ISRC Flac Tags Not Being Saved

        Sometimes there is a conductor from AMG, and sometimes there's not. If there's not, I add it and make sure that I select the tag to write in options. But I just did a CD to check, and the conductor was listed by AMG.

        So I ripped the CD, and when I checked the tags in Tag and Rename, there was no CONDUCTOR tag, so I added it. Then when I checked the tags in Foobar, I found the conductor in PERFORMER. So it's apparently writing the tag, but putting it in the wrong place?


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44825

          Re: RAW CD TOC and ISRC Flac Tags Not Being Saved

          This keeps coming up, because other programs do not follow Ogg Vorbis spec, this is from the ogg vorbis v-comment development guide:

          Track/Work name
          The version field may be used to differentiate multiple versions of the same track title in a single collection. (e.g. remix info)
          The collection name to which this track belongs
          The track number of this piece if part of a specific larger collection or album
          The artist generally considered responsible for the work. In popular music this is usually the performing band or singer. For classical music it would be the composer. For an audio book it would be the author of the original text.
          The artist(s) who performed the work. In classical music this would be the conductor, orchestra, soloists. In an audio book it would be the actor who did the reading. In popular music this is typically the same as the ARTIST and is omitted.
          Copyright attribution, e.g., '2001 Nobody's Band' or '1999 Jack Moffitt'
          License information, eg, 'All Rights Reserved', 'Any Use Permitted', a URL to a license such as a Creative Commons license ("") or the EFF Open Audio License ('distributed under the terms of the Open Audio License. see for details'), etc.
          Name of the organization producing the track (i.e. the 'record label')
          A short text description of the contents
          A short text indication of music genre
          Date the track was recorded
          Location where track was recorded
          Contact information for the creators or distributors of the track. This could be a URL, an email address, the physical address of the producing label.
          ISRC number for the track; see the ISRC intro page for more information on ISRC numbers.


          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: RAW CD TOC and ISRC Flac Tags Not Being Saved

            Also, DESCRIPTION holds any "Comment" that was added to the file.


            • randym

              • Jan 2007
              • 36

              Re: RAW CD TOC and ISRC Flac Tags Not Being Saved

              Originally posted by Spoon
              THe RAW TOC cannot be saved to a FLAC tag as there is no where to put it (flac does not support it).
              1. I note that the ISRC is a supported flac tag, but I don’t believe it has been saved in any of my rips thus far. I take it AMG does not have this info for any CDs. Is that right?

              2. With regard to TOC, what do you mean by flac does not support it? I am able to create any custom flac tag I like using MP3tag. I cannot count on applications to support my custom tags, but I can store the information for my own purposes. And there are applications that are flexible and allow one to define the flac tags that are to be used for certain purposes. For example, a freeware plugin for slimserver (custombrowse) allows one to sort music by any custom tags one specifies.

              The primary reason to save the TOC, I gather, is to be able to possibly access online trac and album information in the future. It may be that online databases would not be able to access a custom flac TOC tag. But suppose Flac does support a TOC tag in the future? If I have a custom tag, I could perhaps rewrite the tag in the correct flac-supported format. Or suppose online databases are flexible enough to allow you to specify how the TOC is formatted.

              Would it be technically difficult for DBpowerAMP to write a custom flac tag with the TOC. If not, would you have a philosophical objection to it?

              A couple of related questions that I have wondered about:

              A. Is it correct to say that the flac tags are nothing more than a header (field name) followed by text?

              B. Are all official flac tags (other than album art) in the same text format? (That is, there are no special formats for numbers or dates etc.)



              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44825

                Re: RAW CD TOC and ISRC Flac Tags Not Being Saved

                a) Correct
                b) correct

                The CD TOC is a binary item, you cannot store it as text unless you encode it to some format.


                • EliC
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • May 2004
                  • 1175

                  Re: RAW CD TOC and ISRC Flac Tags Not Being Saved

                  How about an option to save the RAW TOC to a file in the album directory then. Also, can you ask jason about possible support of saving the TOC to FLAC files? I have been using the tag option but didnt even check to see that it was not being written. It would be nice if unavailable options were greyed out so users didnt think they were doing something they arent.


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44825

                    Re: RAW CD TOC and ISRC Flac Tags Not Being Saved

                    It is not practical for CD Ripper to know all the tagging formats.

                    If someone wants to ask josh about a cd toc in flac...


                    • randym

                      • Jan 2007
                      • 36

                      Re: RAW CD TOC and ISRC Flac Tags Not Being Saved

                      I like Elic's suggestion.

                      The option to save the TOC as a file in the folder could be just like the option now to save the album art in the folder--the option is offered regardless of the tagging format that is being used, so it wouldn’t complicate the ripper’s job at all.


                      • EliC
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • May 2004
                        • 1175

                        Re: RAW CD TOC and ISRC Flac Tags Not Being Saved

                        Originally posted by Spoon

                        If someone wants to ask josh about a cd toc in flac...
                        I PMed josh over at HA. Hope to get some feedback.

