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Rip Quality

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  • fairyliquidizer

    • Dec 2003
    • 31

    Rip Quality


    I have two drives one doesn't support C2 errors (through Windows Internal) and rips a particular disk with all ticks and secure (Pioneer). My old Liteon which has C2 support rips the disk with two files with a green i (secure) and third file that on the fourth attempt returned a green i.

    So my question is : is secure with a tick as good as secure with an i?

    The checksums are identical from both machines but the disk is not in the AccurateRip database. I assume this means that their is negligible risk of either rip being different?

  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Rip Quality

    The help files for the CD ripper explain the results you are asking about. The "i" just means some errors could have slipped through. However, if you get matching CRCs from one drive that has a check and the other drive that has the "i", you should be fine.


    • fairyliquidizer

      • Dec 2003
      • 31

      Re: Rip Quality

      Thanks :smile2: . I looked at the help file and the whole some errors may have got through versus the other drive saying everything is sweet (but without C2) confused me.

      If this continues to happen with disks do you think I'd be better off with a drive that supports C2 with DBPoweramp?



      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: Rip Quality

        Since you have identical checksums, you should be fine.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44825

          Re: Rip Quality

          c2 is an extra helper, to make sure you have secure rips.


          • fairyliquidizer

            • Dec 2003
            • 31

            Re: Rip Quality

            Thanks guys. I must say that the more I use this release the more I love it. It's fantastic! I've been a big fan of dbPoweramp for some time but wished for EAC with dbPoweramps simplicity... we got so much more than that with R12. It's great. You have excelled yourself Mr Spoon.

            In addition to secure ripping I use the ReplayGain plugin (didn't know this existed) and I like the new AMG database and I use the MusicBrainz proxy as the FreeDB option. (I'd like to see MusicBrainz support in R13).


