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Album art not taken from folder.jpg in conversion

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  • hinder90

    • Aug 2005
    • 21

    Album art not taken from folder.jpg in conversion

    I am converting FLAC files to MP3 which have folder.jpg files which are the album art images. I am using the ID3 processing option in DSP effects and have it set to import folder.jpg as the album art, however artwork is not loaded in the ID3 tag in the resultant MP3 file.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Album art not taken from folder.jpg in conversion

    If you hold the mouse over the mp3 file, it says Contains:, does it say Album Art?


    • LtData
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 8288

      Re: Album art not taken from folder.jpg in conversion

      I have found that, when using this DSP effect, dMC checks the destination folder for folder.jpg, not the source folder. Try copying the folder.jpg to the destination and then see if it works.


      • hinder90

        • Aug 2005
        • 21

        Re: Album art not taken from folder.jpg in conversion

        I am using Tag&Rename to view the ID3 info of the resultant file and there is no artwork.

        Uh, that doesn't make sense... the target folder is created by the conversion process as the folder is created dynamically a la [artist]/[album]. If what you are saying is true this feature is pretty much a bust. :(


        • LtData
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2004
          • 8288

          Re: Album art not taken from folder.jpg in conversion

          I agree that it is rather odd, but that is what I discovered when I was ripping my CDs and trying to add in album artwork.

          I realize that if the folder is created dynamically, there isn't a source folder, but you can always create it manually. I realize this is a pain, but it is the only solution I have found.

          Edit: that might be a good idea to put into the DSP effect thread as a request: to get the album art from the source folder and not the destination folder.
          Last edited by LtData; March 30, 2007, 06:20 PM.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            Re: Album art not taken from folder.jpg in conversion

            I will mark it down as a bug.

