I've got a problem when I'm running the Batch Converter.
After I've selected the files to convert and completed the dialog which pops-up allowing me to choose which codec to use and the output location, usually another window pops up.
This shows the conversion progress and allows a choice of which action to take when the process has finished. This window now only shows minimised and won't let me maximise it, whatever I do.
I've tried the solution suggested here:-
yet it doesn't work, and from the description I'm not sure it's the same problem anyhow.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, even if I am missing something obvious and being a complete dunce!
I've got a problem when I'm running the Batch Converter.
After I've selected the files to convert and completed the dialog which pops-up allowing me to choose which codec to use and the output location, usually another window pops up.
This shows the conversion progress and allows a choice of which action to take when the process has finished. This window now only shows minimised and won't let me maximise it, whatever I do.
I've tried the solution suggested here:-
yet it doesn't work, and from the description I'm not sure it's the same problem anyhow.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, even if I am missing something obvious and being a complete dunce!