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Mpeg 2.5

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  • Waszer

    • Mar 2007
    • 4

    Mpeg 2.5


    I have a Toshiba Gigabeat that I want to listen to MP3's that are recordings of tele-conferences. But the Gigabeat will sometimes give me an error that the recording is not in the correct format. I was directed to to use the converter here which in the trial version worked fine. I would convert the original file to a Wave in 16bit Stereo then convert back to an MP3, then I was able to transfer it to the Gigabeat.

    Well, I purchased the Converter and now I can not get it to work. Every file I convert I get the error this is a MPEG 2.5 format when I try to load it on my player. :cry:

    Any direction would be helpfull.
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Mpeg 2.5

    What version of dMC are you using? Version numbers are found in the Start Menu under Programs --> dBpoweramp Music Converter --> Configuration --> dBpoweramp/dMC Configuration
    Are you using the internal "mp3 (LAME)" codec to encode to mp3? What settings are you using? You might want to try checking the "Force ISO compatability" checkbox found under the "Advanced" menu.


    • Waszer

      • Mar 2007
      • 4

      Re: Mpeg 2.5

      Thank you for the reply. I am at work atm, but I downloaded the reg version last night so I would hope it is the newest. Also I purchased the MP3 decoder with it. So I will double check those versions and update this message.

      As far as the settings, thats just it, why should I need to change anything, I just used the basic settings when I was using the demo version. That is why I decided to purchase the converter, it was simple to use.

      I did check the Force ISO compatibility but that did not help.


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: Mpeg 2.5

        Installing the registered version shouldn't change your mp3 encoder settings, so that's a little odd.
        What are the specs (bitrate, channels, frequency) of your original mp3 files and the final ones that dMC produces?


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44840

          Re: Mpeg 2.5

          Mpeg 2.5 is used for specific frequencies and bitrates only, try different values.


          • Waszer

            • Mar 2007
            • 4

            Re: Mpeg 2.5

            I am running Ver 12 with mp3 License and Power Pack Registered. I have the Lame 3.97 installed.

            This is the file information before I convert it to a Wave file (will not load on to the Toshiba because it is a MPEG2.5)

            Type: MP3
            Channels: 1(mono)
            Rate: 11 KHz
            Size: 16 bit
            Bit Rate 20 kbps
            Quality: Low
            Encoder: FHG
            Encoder Settings Variable Bit Rate 20 kbps
            Contains: ID Tag [ID3v2.3 (ANSI) & ID3v1.0]

            This is after I have converted it back to an MP3. I have tried different rates and still get the MPEG2.5 notice.

            Type: MP3
            Channels: 2(stereo) ..when I transfered it to wave I chose 2 channel..
            Rate: 11 KHz
            Size: 16 bit
            Bit Rate 25 kbps
            Quality: Low
            Encoder: LAME 3.97
            Encoder Settings Variable Bit Rate -V 8
            Contains: ID Tag [ID3v2.3 (ANSI)]

            I don't really care too much about file size since I have a 40 gig drive. I just want to be able to trasfer the dang file and listen to in
            Last edited by Waszer; March 27, 2007, 02:40 AM.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44840

              Re: Mpeg 2.5

              If you have Reference then dBpoweramp Configuration >> Music Converter and for popup info change the settings so that MPEG Technical details are shown, then you can see if a file is mpeg 2.5 by holding the mouse over it.


              • Waszer

                • Mar 2007
                • 4

                Re: Mpeg 2.5

                I have every option checked and the information I wrote was from the pop ups. Maybe this weekend I will have time to try different settings.

