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Accuraterip: how to manually set CD drive offset?

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  • Dude
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Mar 2007
    • 123

    Accuraterip: how to manually set CD drive offset?


    I'm a Accuraterip beginner and I don't have a key disc for Accuraterip. I want to set my CD drive offset manually using the list of CD drive offsets:, because I have a CD drive that is on the list.

    Where can I setup this CD drive offset in dbpoweramp reference? I can't find an option to setup the CD drive offset.

    I also had a question about ripping CD's that are not in the Accuraterip database: is dbpoweramp still be able to make accurate copies (to WAV format) when the CD you are trying to rip is not in the Accuraterip database?

    thanks in advance!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Accuraterip: how to manually set CD drive offset?

    You cannot, that is the point of accuraterip it self configures to make sure it is right.
    Last edited by Spoon; March 23, 2007, 08:09 PM. Reason: Spelling


    • Dude
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Mar 2007
      • 123

      Re: Accuraterip: how to manually set CD drive offset?

      Originally posted by Spoon
      You cannot, that is the point of accuraterip it self configures to make sure it is write.
      but how can dbpoweramp make exact copies when you use a CD that is not in the accuraterip database?

      If you check "Functional Ripping Methods" here , you can see every step in the audio extraction algorithm is verifyed with accuraterip.
      So my question is: what happens when you use a CD that is not in the accuraterip database?
      Does dbpoweramp just ignores all the tests with the accuraterip database and as a consequence runs all the steps in the algorithm (because every accuraterip test will have as answer "no", because you don't have used a CD that is in the accuraterip database)? How can dbpoweramp see the rip is accurate if accuraterip is not used?

      thanks in advance!


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: Accuraterip: how to manually set CD drive offset?

        You have to use a CD that is in the database to configure Accuraterip. Also, the CD does not need to be ripped to configure AccurateRip, a pop-up should come up and ask if you want to configure AccurateRip.


        • Dude
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Mar 2007
          • 123

          Re: Accuraterip: how to manually set CD drive offset?

          Originally posted by LtData
          You have to use a CD that is in the database to configure Accuraterip. Also, the CD does not need to be ripped to configure AccurateRip, a pop-up should come up and ask if you want to configure AccurateRip.
          And what if I don't have a CD that is in the database, will dbpoweramp still be able to rip CD's very well? See my previous question about the algorithm dbpoweramp executes.



          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: Accuraterip: how to manually set CD drive offset?

            Yes, if a CD is not in the database it does all of the steps.

            By my experience, if a CD is not in the database and Ultra Secure is enabled, dMC does 2 burst passes, 2 secure passes, and 3 Ultra Secure passes.


            • Dude
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Mar 2007
              • 123

              Re: Accuraterip: how to manually set CD drive offset?

              Originally posted by LtData
              Yes, if a CD is not in the database it does all of the steps.

              By my experience, if a CD is not in the database and Ultra Secure is enabled, dMC does 2 burst passes, 2 secure passes, and 3 Ultra Secure passes.
              Where can you see burst and secure passes in the options? I only see the option to set the number of ultra secure passes and to enable/disable ultra secure mode. There is nothing about burst or secure passes.

              So if I understand it well: when accuraterip is disabled everything is executed exactly the same as if accuraterip is enabled, but only the accuraterip check is left out?

              PS: I'm using dbpoweramp R12 reference ( not the "normal" dbpoweramp CD ripper but the version for audio professionals.

              thanks in advance!


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44825

                Re: Accuraterip: how to manually set CD drive offset?

                Click Settings button next to the secure option.


                • mdpu

                  • Apr 2021
                  • 2

                  Re: Accuraterip: how to manually set CD drive offset?

                  I like to buy the Melco D100 usb drive to achieve the highist accuracy in ripping. Db poweramp recognice the pioneer drive fitted in the Melco.
                  Manufacturer of the drive advises:

                  Drive offset +638 (this differs from the accurate database setting for the pioneer drive itself) due to other internal hardware differences.
                  When I click Setting button next to secure option I am not allowed to set drive offset in my reference 16.6 64 bit installation.

                  Is it possible to get these settings in the accurate rip database? I would be a shame to be forced to use EAC in the future!

                  Yours mdp


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44825

                    Re: Accuraterip: how to manually set CD drive offset?

                    We do not offer manual setting of the offset, sorry. That said, it would only configure to the measured drive offset using a real CD, and matching against AccurateRip. I would be inclined to believe AccurateRips determination.

