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can't convert aacPlus files

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  • tom852

    • Mar 2007
    • 6

    can't convert aacPlus files

    i downloded the m4a codec and the Nero digital codec and did everything as i should but can't convert aacPlus files to wav in the dbpoweramp converter. i'm getting error message: "erroe decoding AAC, file is aac?" can anyone help?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44575

    Re: can't convert aacPlus files

    Try playing the file in other players, it might be corrupt.


    • tom852

      • Mar 2007
      • 6

      Re: can't convert aacPlus files

      the files are 100% not corrupt. i'm trying to convert aacplus files from many different kind of source and always getting the error message. if u want, i can send you an e mail with ashort aacplus file so you can check that the file is ok.


      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: can't convert aacPlus files

        If you use dMC to convert a file to aacPlus, can you convert that to WAV?


        • tom852

          • Mar 2007
          • 6

          Re: can't convert aacPlus files

          i'm not using anything to convrt to aacplus files because i don't need to. i only want to convert from aacplus to wav or any format that can be play on CD player.


          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: can't convert aacPlus files

            I realize this. My question was to make sure that dMC was able to decode proper aacPlus files and to make sure everything is set up properly.


            • tom852

              • Mar 2007
              • 6

              Re: can't convert aacPlus files

              maybe you know if there is aNero plug in which allow me to use Nero as the aacplus converter?


              • LtData
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • May 2004
                • 8288

                Re: can't convert aacPlus files

                I am not sure I understand your question. Nero is being used as the aacPlus converter by dMC.


                • tom852

                  • Mar 2007
                  • 6

                  Re: can't convert aacPlus files

                  well because dbpoweramp converter isn't doing the job. maybe i can use Nero to do the job alone. i think that Nero realese aspecial codec for that but i just can't find it.


                  • AustinBraun

                    • Aug 2007
                    • 2

                    Re: can't convert aacPlus files

                    Originally posted by tom852
                    i downloaded the m4a codec and the Nero digital codec and did everything as i should but can't convert aacPlus files to wav in the dbpoweramp converter. i'm getting error message: "erroe decoding AAC, file is aac?" can anyone help?
                    HI ALL I have the same problem.
                    I have Windows XP (sorry for that :P I am trying to go to Linux ),dBpoweram Music Converter Release 12.2 Trial version Codecs Installed

                    Encoders (write)

                    Apple Lossless Release 6
                    m4a Nero (AAC) Release 6
                    mp3 (Lame) Lame 3.97
                    Test Conversion
                    Wave Release 12.2

                    Decoders (read)

                    Advanced Audio Compression Decoder
                    CD Decoder Release 12.2
                    m4a / mp4 Decoder
                    .m4a, .m4b, .mp4
                    mp3 Decoder Release 12.2
                    .m2a, .mp1, .mp2, .mp3, .mpa, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpga, .mpx
                    Wave Decoder Release 12.2

                    Install on Demand

                    Monkeys Audio .ape
                    FLAC .flac
                    Musepack .mpc
                    Ogg Vorbis .ogg
                    Real Audio (Helix) .ra
                    Windows Media Audio 10 .wma
                    WavPack .wv
                    Midi (read only) .mid
                    Shorten (read only) .shn

                    , Winamp 5.094 and used Streamripper V 1.62.1 to record (ripp) from the station called Radio Internetowe POLSKASTACJA Muzyka Na TOPIE you can find it here >>> http://www.polskastacja.pl/ <<<

                    After the files are recorded they have file extension ; aac . I can replay them in Winamp no problem but...

                    Now I tried to convert this files to mp3 but it doesn't work, I get en error massage for example like this one;

                    [COLOR=DimGray]Error converting to Wave, 'R:\Trance - Polskie Radio Radiosfera & Radioredstar - Trance Vocal Trance Melody Trance Hard Trance\incomplete\Delerium ft Sarah Mclachlan - Silence (Airscape Mix) 8.aac' to 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Converted files from incomplete\Delerium ft Sarah Mclachlan - Silence (Airscape Mix) 8.wav'
                    Error decoding AAC, file is AAC? [clfaad::Create][/COLOR]

                    I did try what was mention here before to take a wave file convert it to m4a Nero (AAC) Encoder set at Force HE V2 (because Force He V2 is AAC+, Right?) and than to convert the Forced HE V2 File back into Wave to see if it works and it did, so this seams to work but why not on my recorded AAC+ files?

                    I also tried to put the AAC+ files in the Nero wave editor 2 Version but it doesn't recognize the files. Although when I look Audio Format Settings (of the Nero Wave editor it does have Decoders; Nero Digital Audio (HE-AAC) and HE-AAC is only for AAC not for AAC+, right? so this may be there reason?!? It does not recognise mine AAC+ files because it doesn't have right decoder.

                    Bud going back to the dbpoweram...

                    .. what is the problem?! Why this error when i try do convert mine AAC+ files into wave. Would somebody try to explain it to me

                    And a question off topic here. With all those aac, aac+, drm staff ect. I really would like to learn programing but where to start what books to read any suggestions? I am on a newbie level so keep that in mind. Many thanks! :D


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44575

                      Re: can't convert aacPlus files

                      We have been sent one such file, it will be looked at ASAP.


                      • harveyp

                        • Jul 2008
                        • 2

                        Re: can't convert aacPlus files

                        I am having the same issue converting .aac MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding Files to mp3 format. Any solution? Has anybody successfully done this conversion?


                        • LtData
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • May 2004
                          • 8288

                          Re: can't convert aacPlus files

                          I just converted one of my files to a HE AAC .m4a file and then tried to convert to mp3, and it failed, so it looks like it still is not working with r13 and the r8 m4a codec.

                          How to duplicate it:
                          Convert a file to a 64kbps m4a file, forcing HE AAC v2. Then try to convert that file to any other format. The file does play in Media Player Classic, so the file is good.
                          Last edited by LtData; July 05, 2008, 03:19 AM.


                          • harveyp

                            • Jul 2008
                            • 2

                            Re: can't convert aacPlus files

                            Thanks, do you know of a product that can convert AAC to MP3? I am trying to decide whether or not to purchase dbpoweramp and the ability to do this type of conversion is an important factor in my decision.


                            • LtData
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • May 2004
                              • 8288

                              Re: can't convert aacPlus files

                              Unfortunately, I do not know of such a program.


