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  • hanschke
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast
    • May 2006
    • 79


    Time of Exception: 12:31:38.369 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
    OS Version:        Windows Vista - 6.00.6000 (€Îk
    Main Module:       ÐÞš
    File Version:      €Îk
    Process Path:      D:\programme\SpeedProject\Speed Commander\sc11u_x64\SpeedCommander.exe
    Current Directory: D:\Playliste 2007\add\addd
    Command Line:      "D:\programme\SpeedProject\Speed Commander\sc11u_x64\SpeedCommander.exe" 
    Process ID:        0x00000C8C
    Thread ID:         0x00000EBC
    Exception code:    C0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION)
    Access Violation Exception: Due to the thread attempting to write to an inaccessible address
    Access Violation Address: 0x00000000E18B5880
    Exception is continuable
    Exception Address Details: 0x000000000A3FE56C [.text]:0x0001D56C C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
      RAX    000000000CA60158
      RBX    000000000CA969B8
      RCX    000000005A9CAAE5
      RDX    0000000000000008
      RSI    000000000CA6FB20
      RDI    0000000000000008
      RBP    0000000000000200
      CS:RIP 00000033:000000000A3FE56C
      SS:RSP 0000002B:000000000D6BF4D0
      DS     0000002B
      ES     0000002B
      FS     00000053
      GS     0000002B
      Flags  00010202
      Thread ID: 0x000013C0
      Priority Level: 8
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:23.506 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 20
      User Time: (Seconds) 22
      Thread ID: 0x000006D0
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.254 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x00001180
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.265 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x0000138C
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.274 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x000008EC
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.292 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x00000D24
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.304 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x0000009C
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.314 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x00000EEC
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.324 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x00000B08
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.351 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x000005E4
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.365 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x00001158
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.375 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x00000C64
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.385 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x0000118C
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.396 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x000012E4
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.406 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x00001358
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.419 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x00000D34
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.430 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x00001394
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.442 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x000009C8
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.454 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x00000D98
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.577 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x000012A8
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.578 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x000013E8
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:26.579 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x000004D0
      Priority Level: 8
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:27.250 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 1
      User Time: (Seconds) 1
      Thread ID: 0x00000D20
      Priority Level: 8
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:21:51.351 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x0000088C
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:48:56.789 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x00000EF0
      Priority Level: 8
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:48:56.808 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x000013E4
      Priority Level: 8
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:48:56.809 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x000012B4
      Priority Level: 15
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 10:48:56.822 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x000009F0
      Priority Level: 8
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 11:19:51.409 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x000004B0
      Priority Level: 8
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 11:31:29.480 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x000005FC
      Priority Level: 8
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 11:31:33.877 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x000007B8
      Priority Level: 8
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 11:31:33.890 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
      Thread ID: 0x00000EBC
      Priority Level: 7
      Delta Priority: 0
      References: 0
      Creation Time: 11:31:35.212 21/3/2007 (D/M/Y)
      Kernel Time (Seconds): 0
      User Time: (Seconds) 0
    Call stack:
    Address           Frame     Function            SourceFile
    000000000A3FE56C  0D6BF4F0  0001:0001D56C C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
    000000000A3FB2A0  0D6BF540  0001:0001A2A0 C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
    000000000A3FB982  0D6BF6D0  0001:0001A982 C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
    000000000A3F0E28  0D6BFEB0  0001:0000FE28 C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
    000000000A40DD15  0D6BFEF0  0001:0002CD15 C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
    000000000A417BB7  0D6BFF20  0001:00036BB7 C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
    000000000A417C8F  0D6BFF50  0001:00036C8F C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
    00000000772BCDCD  0D6BFF80  0001:0003BDCD C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll
    00000000774DC6E1  0D6BFFD0  0001:0004B6E1 C:\Windows\system32\ntdll.dll
    Call stack (local variables and parameters):
    Address           Frame     Function            SourceFile
    000000000A3FE56C  0D6BF4F0  0001:0001D56C C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
    000000000A3FB2A0  0D6BF540  0001:0001A2A0 C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
    000000000A3FB982  0D6BF6D0  0001:0001A982 C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
    000000000A3F0E28  0D6BFEB0  0001:0000FE28 C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
    000000000A40DD15  0D6BFEF0  0001:0002CD15 C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
    000000000A417BB7  0D6BFF20  0001:00036BB7 C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
    000000000A417C8F  0D6BFF50  0001:00036C8F C:\Program Files (x86)\dBpoweramp\dMCShell.dll
    00000000772BCDCD  0D6BFF80  0001:0003BDCD C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll
    00000000774DC6E1  0D6BFFD0  0001:0004B6E1 C:\Windows\system32\ntdll.dll

    Speedcommander crashed and this is the Debug-File. Look likes dMC cause the error or?
    Last edited by LtData; March 21, 2007, 03:49 PM. Reason: added [code] tags to improve readability
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru
    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Crash

    What caused the crash, a right-click on file, trying to edit the tag on a file, or actually editing the tag on a file?


    • hanschke
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast
      • May 2006
      • 79

      Re: Crash

      it is randomly :( if i try to edit my id-tags or convert mp3 files. but i can say if i try to use dpc.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44373

        Re: Crash

        Try without speed commander.


        • hanschke
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast
          • May 2006
          • 79

          Re: Crash

          work without sc fine. my problem is that the dmc crashed my sc and i dont can do other work like c/p of files and so on.

          maybe u can contact sven the programmer of sc? http://speedprojekt.de/enu/index.html

          without dmc i dont have these crashes is there a debug file or a log that i can send it you?


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44373

            Re: Crash

            There is a known crashing with dMC when right click >> Edit Tag and clicking cancel (after editing few tags), R12.1 will fix this.


            • hanschke
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast
              • May 2006
              • 79

              Re: Crash

              maybe it will help me any plan for the release?


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44373

                Re: Crash



                • hanschke
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast
                  • May 2006
                  • 79

                  Re: Crash



